So I am underemployed at the moment. I work as a Server at Tex-Mex Restaurant, it is actually quite lucrative. Because of the price of the food and speed it comes out, in about 6 hrs of work I can ring 70$ to a bill in tips depending on luck. I go to school fulltime so while this doesnt seem like a lot of money, its really not a bad gig.
Anyways, I was cool with the old manager (the one who hired me), a part time manager, who is 25% stake owner in the enterprise, and I have a really good relationship with a 38 yr old super high strung ocd manager, who basically keeps the place spotless but is a really fair and direct guy.
Unfortunately, the old manager, got fired, and was replaced with this 110 lb Ethiopian bipedal worm. I’ve treated this man with respect but at every corner, he tries to find some error in my game, with no way to solve it.
When he first came, I had been wearing a black apron which I provided myself as the restaurant said they didn’t have any on hand. After 2 months working there, he decides to take an issue with something noone else had an issue with. I told him, I’d gladly swap the Apron, if he had the corporate brand one on hand, otherwise I couldn’t because I need the apron to do my job (my job is carrying shit from kitchen to table, wtf do you want me to do, ditich it?). Anyways, he never got the new apron, but continued to press the issue, and told me I could not wear it again. Well needless to say, I checked 2 days before my next shift was on, no apron. I called the other stores of our franchise, noone had any. So I called the management office and the 75% stake owner, who the Ethiopian GM is directly accountable to. Explained to him the situation, not in a whiny way, but basically explained I was willing to drive 40 mins to where he was at to get my own apron and pay for it if need be.
The new GM took offense to this, next time I came in, he gave me this speech about. “YOU WILL WAIT TILL I GIVE YOU, UNDERSTAND. YOU WILL NOT TALK TO OWNER!” I basically responded that if I am not given a choice, I will take personal responsibility in remedying a situaiton, and that this is America and I am free to speak to whoever I want.
Long story short, this douche doesn’t like me, and I don’t like him. The other managers made me aware he has reinitiated an evaluation on all new servers, under 3 months there. One of whom is me, and that I need to do the following things to kick my game up that htey can see. Just little shit, basically do sidework at end of night faster, and learn all the tables on patio.
I never have problems except when I’m on that douche’s shift, what should I do to win over some fucker I do not like, respect, and appears to be unreasonable? Some advice would help.