OK. Planning for the next cycle. This one is going to be a lean mass cycle.
I would appreciate any feedback from the vets. I promise I will listen this time.
Current weight is 229lbs 18%bf (27yrs). I would like to gain some lean mass and drop a bit of fat. I would like to end at 230lbs around 10-12% bf. I will be introducing cardio in the morning and doing short full body weight workouts in the evening. I will also be cleaning the diet up.
W 1-8 TestE or EQ 400mg/w
W 3-10 Winny 25mg/d
W 5-10 Proviron 50mg/d
W 1-10 Adex 0.5mg
I am also thinking of adding in 2IU/d of HGH (2 days on, 2 days off) for the next 6 months but not sure if it is worth it.
IMO that’s a lot of A-dex and Proviron for such a short and low dose of Test. I know you said fat loss was a priority though. I’d double the Winny. Maybe look at adding Primo, T3 as well possibly look into Clen as well. [Something tells me we’ve been over this in someone else’s thread very recently and that you didn’t like clen] Anyway, low carb, high protein is as important as your gear for leanning out
I would agree with the previous post. Drop the adex to .25mg, and if you’re still having problems then raise the dose. I wouldn’t worry so much about the dose of proviron, and would suggest that if you have enough you could run it throughout the entire cycle, but that’s just my preference. Winny is pretty highly liver toxic. Though the dose is only 25mg, running it for 8 weeks seems a bit long. I would only run it for 6 weeks, but again, my personal preference. Provided your liver is healthy, you should be okay.
I have never done clen but i am pretty scared of throwing it in because my BP is naturally high and I get pretty sketchy on just about every fat burner I have tried except HOT-ROX.
I may sub the winny for masteron enanthate and do test WITH EQ to bump up the doses. I friggin loved masteron last cycle. I have about 4ccs of 200mg primo left over that I can use to start it off then switch to the EQ so that the doses works out to a full bottle.
W 1-8 TestE 300mg/w
W 1-8 MastE 200mg/w
W 1-2 Primo 400mg/w
W 3-7 EQ 400mg/w
W 3-10 Proviron 50mg ED
W 6-10 HOT-ROX
Nolva on hand in case of sore boobies.
TestE and MastE taper.
any opinions on the 2IU of HGH/d?
lemme know what you guys think.
[quote]sapasion wrote:
IMO that’s a lot of A-dex and Proviron for such a short and low dose of Test. I know you said fat loss was a priority though. I’d double the Winny. Maybe look at adding Primo, T3 as well possibly look into Clen as well. [Something tells me we’ve been over this in someone else’s thread very recently and that you didn’t like clen] Anyway, low carb, high protein is as important as your gear for leanning out[/quote]
Clen might not have the negative effects on you fear. It is hard to judge for yourself having never used the product. It does not have anywhere near the cardiac stimulation of Ephedrine