Winny and What?


Im 24 on planning on going on a new cycle. Ive used var in the past but was not impressed by it. So I wanna go on a cutting cyle with Winny. im 511 180 pounds and have been working out for 3 years.

I wanted some suggestions on what is the best roid to stack with winny. Appreciate the help!!! :slight_smile:

test, eq, deca, methenolone if injectible is what you are looking at. though i would figure out my diet first, because if you were not pleased with var, your diet either blows or you are expecting too much from the sauce.

I no help with the roids, but I do have a question. At 5’11" and 180, what are you planning on cutting?? You cant be that fat, and if you are, you need more than roids, as in a better workout routine and diet. I’m just saying…

[quote]BigRagoo wrote:
I no help with the roids, but I do have a question. At 5’11" and 180, what are you planning on cutting?? You cant be that fat, and if you are, you need more than roids, as in a better workout routine and diet. I’m just saying…[/quote]

Great advice Ragoo.

[quote]BigRagoo wrote:
I no help with the roids, but I do have a question. At 5’11" and 180, what are you planning on cutting?? You cant be that fat, and if you are, you need more than roids, as in a better workout routine and diet. I’m just saying…[/quote]