I ran my first cycle of test cypionate a couple years back. Dosed at 250/ twice a week for 12 weeks. I had great results, huge gains, and no real side effects while on the cycle. A month after I ran into big problems. I was a dumbass and even though I did my research, listened to a friend instead and decided on some bs over the counter “pct” instead of Clomid or nolvadex. So around 3 weeks after the cycle ended, I broke out in severe cystic acne that covered my chest back and neck. After months of accutane it finally got back in check. I realize that not running a proper pct is a huge issue, and if I decide to cycle again I will for sure have a plan in place. My question is, will a proper pct help with acne issues, or could my body just react badly with the test? Thank you for your help ahead of time.
Acne during your PCT period is normal and I would dare to say will happen again.
I know some is normal, but my case was what my dermatologist called “the worst case of body acne” she’s ever seen. I’m not too worried about just normal breakouts, but more worried about the severity I had and whether or not a real pct would help or have no effect on acne.
The accutane should keep future breakouts from being as bad.
I have the same issue. I did run a proper PCT. If I were to blast and cruise will that prevent the acne issue? In my case I used purbac as I was worried of the kidney issues related to accutane. Purbac for me was torture as the nausea was next level.
Nope. The acne is often caused by the wild swings in hormone levels. Prior to starting trt I hadn’t had acne for a decade. The first seven weeks of trt I had a fair bit of body acne. It went away almost entirely for two years until I did a blast. It reappeared when I came off blast and went back to normal.
Yes, the big swing in hormone levels is what I’m assuming set mine off so badly. I’ve heard that after accutane future breakouts probably won’t be as bad, but the big swing is the main thing I was thinking about setting it off again. A PCT should keep my levels a lot more even after the cycle instead of just hitting rock bottom right? And being more level it should in theory help avoid the major breakout?
For myself I’ve not really had an issue on test only. Although Ive suffered with acne my whole life it was nothing abnormal. My last cycle included deca and I believe maybe that what triggered the severity for me. Honestly I was a bit skeptical as I didn’t think it would cause cystic acne. It has left me with a terrible amount of scars and no confidence to wear a vest.
I really don’t think a PCT will have any effect on the acne.
I have never heard if you don’t do a proper PCT your acne gets worse. The PCT drugs do nothing for acne. Cycling and age has the most to do with acne. The younger you are and the more T you take the more zits you will get. PCT has nothing to do with it. There a reason guys wear long sleeve hoodies in the gym in summer and it ain’t because they want to sweat or do a post workout reveal like Seth Feroce. If you are prone to acne acutane should be part of your cycle kit just like PCT drugs are. Its pretty simple really. Now you know your next cycle will rock.
So the reason people correlate pct and acne isn’t necessarily because the pct drug itself does anything for acne but what it does do is help the body restore its natural testosterone quicker ideally lessening the time the person is in a major hormonal imbalance.
One of the reasons we see so many guys get bad acne leading up to and during pct and not necessarily on cycle is because yes acne can be caused by increased testosterone from the skin getting more oily and from higher levels of androgen but another huge contributing factor is acne from a sudden shift in hormones. So when you stop and your test drops suddenly and your estrogen is still a bit high the imbalance can lead to bad breakouts.
I would probably advise against using accutane as part of a cycle package. I’m currently on doctor prescribed accutane and it’s a nasty drug and it didn’t do much for my acne until the third month mark(altho some report chnages sooner). It’s also a long process to get from a doctor (initial appointment, monthly blood work, singing I-pledge documents) so then your left getting it from a ugl which is hit or miss especially dosing wise. Most if not all overseas pharmacies have recently pulled Isotrestin from thier catalogs. There’s also a good chnace it won’t even help for somone getting acne during pct as guys here who have taken accutane previously have stated.
Exactly. I’m not saying the pct itself will cure acne but I’m asking if the more balanced out hormones will help. Also I do still have some doctor prescribed accutane left, I’m not exactly sure how much but I think I have a couple boxes. And like the guy above said I have heard after a long cycle of accutane it can help prevent further breakouts. So what you’re saying is that a pct will help keep hormones more balanced and with maybe adding accutane, you think I would probably be alright going will another cycle of test? Or will probably be the same reaction?
What I’m saying is running a proper pct should restore balance/homeostasis quicker then not running a pct which could lessen (probably won’t eliminate) the duration of severe acne. I don’t believe using accutane prior to or during pct will eliminate the acne if your prone to it I think the only thing that will accomplish is dry skin and chapped lips. All of this ofcourse is individual and depends on how prone you are to cyctic hormonal acne. Some guys complain about breakouts to are a joke to other who have major acne issues. I don’t believe small breakouts etc are even a good reason to use accutane (why doctors don’t readily prescribe it unless it’s severe) the negative sides associated with accutane are rough. But regardless as I said I dont think running short term accutane for someone who has major issues is gonna do anything.
I got ya. So basically I should probably hold off if since there’s nothing to really prevent it from happening again.
That’s your decision to make but I do believe it will happen again.
I’m 31, I used accutane twice at age 16 and again at 18 or 19 when I had some return.
I ran my first cycle of just Test E 500/wk when I was 29 years old. I didn’t get a single pimple all cycle, until PCT. I’ve run one more cycle since then , and same thing. Zero acne until PCT.
Our bodies are all different and respond differently. Acne during PCT is common, and Nolva won’t prevent it. Like Zeek said, maybe Nolva can lessen the overall length of it. My acne clears up by 8 weeks after I’m done with PCT usually.