What day of her cycle were the labs done. Should have been near day 18.
Not knowing the above…
She may have low estrogen and then we would want to consider causes.
- what drugs? OTC and Rx
- OBC? [oral birth control]
- periods normal?
- 28 day cycle
Read the “thyroid basics” sticky
- report body temperatures
- report iodine in vitamins and use of iodized salt
- dry skin in summer time?
- brittle nails and hair?
- feels cold easily
- time line for above changes
- would be good to have TSH, fT3, fT4, must do if temperatures low
- if above and temperatures are low
– test rT3, associated with adrenal fatigue, blocks T3
- B complex multi vits and minerals with iodine
- fish oil caps
- 5000iu vit-D3, take with oily meal, avoid high fiber
- DHEA 25mg, take with oily meal, avoid high fiber
- If BP a problem, 50 mg ubiquinol, a form of CoQ10
Low DHEA can be from low pregnenolone which indicates some of the activity in the ovaries.
DHEA is made from pregnenolone in the adrenals. One also has to consider that the adrenals are problem. Start with an AM cortisol test. And this leads into a consideration of adrenal fatigue.
Also test LH/FSH. But we need to know what day of cycle is best.
Read the advice or new guys sticky and note some issues that may cross over.
Does she have ovarian cysts? -common
Enlarged uterus? -not rare
Thickened endometrial lining? -not rare
Painful periods
If a doctor treats the above using OBC to provide progesterone receptor action with progestins, this can really make things worse.
Your descriptions fit female estrogen dominance that can happen with normal or low E levels if progesterone is low. In females, progesterone levels and DHEA levels start to fall by mid 30’s or sooner. Get on the WWW and find ‘KAL progesterone cream’ which is 2% progesterone and OTC, no Rx needed. Please do not use a different brand. I have observed absorption problems VS KAL. Progesterone can address all of the issued that you describe, including the ovarian cysts and endrometrial lining, as well as fibroids.
She can try 25mg DHEA, but do labs later. Some will create too much T and get facial hair problems. DHEA will not convert to progesterone, so DHEA cannot help with that.
If on OBC, consider a inter uterine device.
If you can straighten out hormone issues, total cholesterol may resolve to some extent. Do not start a statin drug at this time as it could make things worse.
Any changes in blood pressure?
Progesterone cream should resolve may of these problems. However, there seems to be other issues that may involve adrenal fatigue and other issues. Thyroid may also be a factor.