Why are so many people so two faced and duplicitous?
Why is it that more and more (it seems) people only exist to screw over other people?
Why is it harder and harder to find people you’d want to watch your back…or even your front?
Why is it that in the old days people used to say what they meant and that was it…if a guy promised you something it happened unless he was dead or something. Now you can’t even count on your best friend or your best girl, to say nothing of all the other motherfuckers you have to deal with on a daily basis. I can’t be the only one that’s noticed this…cause it would seem to me that a T-Man or T-Vixen would be someone you can count on…but we all have to deal with other yahoos.
It’s getting to the point where I’m scared to even get involved with people anymore.
It wasn’t that long ago that you could count on someone who worked for a living (mostly blue collar v. white collar), but now even the blue collar types seem to be out to screw with as many people as they can.
Is it that society as a whole has lost accountability?
If you spill hot coffee on yourself or smoke yourself to death, it obviously not your fault…if you cut someone off in traffic you never have to see them again (you hope. Once I followed a kid an hour to have a word with him. Should have seen his face. Zits look cool against an ash white back ground)…I don’t know.
All I know is I’m sick of it. I’d like to move that we bring back dueling, Whattaya think?