First of all congratualtions to all of the liberals on the thread. It was your night last night.
The following is what I believe to be the reasons why Obama was reelected last evening.
It should be very obvious to everyone (as it is to those of us who have lived through many Presidential elections) that Brack Obama has not been treated the same as any other President, or candidate for the office of the Presidency. This is the single worst economy that we have seen since the great depression yet how many serious questions were asked of obama regarding the economy by the press?
Furthermore, how many tough questions were asked of Obama regarding his various foreign policy blunders including Benghazi? I submit to you that if any republican were to have a sitting Ambassador raped, tortured and murdered on his watch it would have been front page news in every newspaper and the lead story on every single broadcast outlet, as it should be.
Now follow that horrendous act with a half hearted cover up “it was a video that caused this” and the media would have been screaming for impeachment. Yet, it was not even an issue for old Barack. So the number one reason for Obama’s reelection is that his friends in the media ran exceptional cover for him and it worked out quite well!
Along with the media “cover-up” Nanny statedom is upon us. We no longer get to look ahead and think, “gee if this keeps going we’re going to be in trouble.” We are in trouble! It is very difficult to defeat someone who wants to hand you free things at someone else’s expense. You neither feel guilt for taking it, or understand that it’s coming from another hard working American soul.
Just like the screaming woman on the video. “I want some of that Obama money.” Interviewer: “Where does Obama get the money?” Screaming woman: “I don’t know he has a stash somewhere…” Oh my! Who voted for Obama in larger numbers than for Romney? Women! Why? Because there is something inside of almost every woman that secretly wants to be taken care of. The democratic party has risen to that “challenge” and has taken upon itself the title of “great distributor.” Just the other day I was talking to one of my employees about the election. She said unequivocally that she was voting for Obama.
I naturally asked why and she told me that she wanted free health insurance. Currently, I have a plan where I (the company) pays 75% and the employee pays 25%. But that’s not quite good enough for her. I then informed her that nothing is free in life and that in order for the government to give you something for “free” they must first take it from someone else. Her answer, “I don’t care as long as I get my medical bills paid.” And so it goes, the taste of “free stuff” can be intoxicating to those uninformed of where such a road will eventually take us.
Fnally, Obama tapped into a large number of 18-34 year olds who don’t know what their doing but are not at all afraid to do it. Recently a conservative interviewer was on a typical college campus asking people who they were going to vote for. Most, not surprisingly said Obama. But not one could give a single good reason why or name any accomplishment from his first four years as the reason. When asked why they would choose him, the typical answer, “Um…I dunno I just think he’s better.” But, they do know that obama was on Jon Stewart and “um…like Jon Stewart is really cool.”
And that is why Obama never addressed any of the serious issues, he never had to and he knew it all along! All he had to do was continue to run behind the media cover and make the left wing talk show circut and look, “really cool” while he was doing it. He didn’t have to run a “large” campaign because he knew his backers were largely small minded kids, nanny state recipients and powerful unions who would continue to reap big bucks should he be reelected. Therefore, voting for him regardless of his many failures. And of course, he was right!
Love him or hate him Mitt Romney was a serious candidate with both business and government success to his credit in turning bad situations into good ones. Moreover, he picked a very serious Vice Presidential candidate in Paul Ryan. A man who helped create a budget that could eventually lead us to economic freedom. The only problem is they were running for office during the wrong time period. Many people don’t want to be serious as that takes thinking, sacrifice and acting like an adult.
And none of those things are what this country is about any longer. We are about video games, texting our every worthless thought, facebook and a number of other silly past times that allow men to act like kids until they are well into their 30’s. Well, last night while the “kids” were voting for the cool candidate, “the chickens came home to roooooost!”
So, while I do congratulate the left for its great win last night I can’t help recalling an old proverb, “Be careful what you wish for as it might come true!”