Im sick of losing $$$$
I know we dont speak of certain things but how can I verify a source?
Im sick of losing $$$$
I know we dont speak of certain things but how can I verify a source?
PM’s work fine.
But dont ask me - I know nothing =]
Some places are so tempting but we all know how that goes
Spend some time on the boards and get know a few guys and when you do just pm and ask
thats the plan… I havent been on the board in a while but i know most guys are willing to be helpful but everyone is cautious understandably
You can get feedback on lots of international sources as well as about a dozen domestic ones for as little as $5 for 30 days…
Because the shit is illegal
PM, check for past threads concerning this and who said it was ok to check with them
does thesourcecheck actually review sites as far as pricing, authenticity, selection, safety, etc? or just one or two out of this list
if your gonna name in an open forum the websites that source check ya may as well name the sources themselves… jmo
some things are too good to share
Why don’t we leave that up to the mods…
wasn’t meant to be a knock at ya, bro.
maybe i’m just jealous cuz i had to search for months before i started finding the real ones…
[quote]T_Driver wrote:
maybe i’m just jealous cuz i had to search for months before i started finding the real ones…:)[/quote]
That’s the thing, though. You should have to search for months before finding something legitimate. If not, then it is going to be that easy for LE to find the place, or you are going to have a lot of dumb kids who should not be using AAS messing themselves up.
Anyone who does not have the patience to do his homework and find himself a trustworthy, legitimate, verified source before ordering is probably also not mature enough to be using AAS. Not in all cases, but this is one of those areas in which the correlation is usually valid.
I would even wager that getting scammed is probably the best thing that ever happened to a large number of users, though they would probably disagree with me.
In my entire “career” of purchasing AAS, I have never once been scammed, and have, indeed, been very happy with the efficacy of everything I have ever purchased. Much like success in business (or life, for that matter), this is no accident.
are there scams out there to get your money like?
no way,u gotta be shiiting me
I know its expected but the number of scams is mind boggling.
To the guys that helped thatn you sourcechk is great and to those with your stupid comments can go f yourselves.
ironmiketyson change your name to Glass Joe mike tyson
just good to c im not alone in the hunt tanx for useful info
[quote]TheChemist wrote:
I know its expected but the number of scams is mind boggling.
To the guys that helped thatn you sourcechk is great and to those with your stupid comments can go f yourselves.
ironmiketyson change your name to Glass Joe mike tyson[/quote]
nice way to get what you want, go f yourselves lol
anyways ya,what you can do is this.
find someone that posts ofter sounds kind of like they know what they are talking about and pm them and politely ask, may I run this source by you. dont say the source yet just ask if you can run it by them
if they respond cool, if they do not respond do not bother them again
simple as that.
but remember, not everyone will respond to you, after all your looking for illicit things and not looking for a car dealer.