Why Am I Prescribed This?

I recently started TRT, when my labs showed a T level of 220. I’m 32 years old. I was prescribed the following, and everything to me makes sense except for the Progesterone Cream. My doc said he prescribed it to me for (the benefits you can read on google), however, most things I read say it’s not typically advised for men to take it. In addition, a few people I know on a TRT program don’t take Progesterone Cream.

Anyway, any help would be appreciated. My “stack” is as follows:

Testoserone Cyp- 75mg Twice Weekly (injection)
HCG - 250 IU Twice Weekly (injection)
Progesterone Cream - 2.5mg Every Night (applied to forearm)

Pregnenolone 50mg Once Nightly
DHE: 25mg Once Morning
Zinc Citrate: - 50mg Once Nightly

Any idea as to why I am prescribed Progesterone or why it’s needed? I don’t believe I was tested for my progesterone levels, as I look at my labs, I do not see a PGSN symbol… Thank you

Have you read the advice for new guys sticky?

Progesterone is converted to cortisol and doc may have seen that either was low.

Some people say progesterone counteracts the side effects of elevated DHT (hair loss and prostate enlargement), which may be another reason your doctor prescribed it.

You are right that it is seldom used in male TRT.

If you could ask him his reasoning and don’t mind posting it here, it would be appreciated.

post all of your labs with units

how are you feeling now?

E2 management can be critical for most guys.

Thanks for your help guys. Here was the labs I did before Ararat:

WBC 4.5
RBC 5.43
HGB 15.9
HCT 49.1
MCV 90.3
MCH 29.3
MCHC 32.5
RDW 12.9
Platelet 195
MPV 8.4

Creatine Kinase 758
Sodium 140
Potassium 4.4
Chloride 106
CO2 27
Anion gap 7
Glucose 98
Calcium 9.4
BUN 20
Creatinine / GFR >60.0*
Creatinine 0.99
Amylase 49
AST 33
ALT 47
Alk Phos 68
Biko Total 0.7
Total protein 7.9
Albumin 4.2
Trig 42
Cholesterol 154
HDL 45
LDL Direct 110
Chol/HDL 3.4
Vitamin D 22.0
T3 free 3
TSH 2.50
Hgb A1c 5.1
Est Ave Glucose 100*
Testosterone Tot 220
Tumor marker 0.64
IGF-1, LC/MS 145
Z-score -0.3*

post all of your labs with UNITS

how are you feeling now?

TSH should be closer to 1.0
Please check and post oral body temperatures when you first wake up and mid-afternoon
Have you long term used iodized salt and/or multi-vits that list iodine?
see the thyroid basics sticky


Total cholesterol is getting too low. 160 and below is associated with increased all-cause mortality.

Describe diet and provide more info as per advice for new guys sticky.

You need to read those stickies and please note everything that I ask for in a post.

[quote]KSman wrote:
post all of your labs with units

how are you feeling now?

E2 management can be critical for most guys.[/quote]
^ Seriously.

If your doc isn’t willing to work with you to manage it, force the issue, or find a new doc. Spiking it or crashing it really sucks. Mentally and physically.

KS sorry I didn’t include this first. Also, I answered your questions below. Thank you for your help!!

-age 32
-height 6’1
-waist 35
-weight 220
-describe body and facial hair : Good amount
-describe where you carry fat and how changed: stomach big time. Love handles. No change
-health conditions, symptoms: Slightly high blood pressure (140/90)
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever : None
-describe diet: See below
-describe training: I used to do brutal over training. Powerlifting with body building 2 hour sessions where I would be sore for a week.
-testes ache, ever, with a fever?: No
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed : I rarely have them
how are you feeling now? : Too much fatigue, cloudy memory, soreness lasts too long in muscles

-I don’t feel much different than before starting TRT. Maybe libido a bit better. Basically I have too much fatigue.

TSH should be closer to 1.0
-I will ask doc

Please check and post oral body temperatures when you first wake up and mid-afternoon
-I will do this tomorrow

Have you long term used iodized salt and/or multi-vits that list iodine?
see the thyroid basics sticky

  • I have consistently used a multi with iodine for years. 150mcg
    I don’t add salt to any food.


Total cholesterol is getting too low. 160 and below is associated with increased all-cause mortality.
-weird my doc said it looked great. I will ask again

Describe diet and provide more info as per advice for new guys sticky.

-I barely watched my diet before starting TRT. I basically “dirty bulked” for a long time. Now it is very clean. Getting about 250g protein a day from good sources. Greek yogurt, fish, steak, and turkey. Using brown rice, yams, and Ezekiel bread for carbs. Taking fish oil, peanut butter, and CLA’s for fat. Plenty of veggies now.

You need to read those stickies and please note everything that I ask for in a post.
-I will read stickies tonight! Thank you. Any further advice appreciated!

Also why isn’t my doc prescribing me Arimidex? He said he didn’t think it was necessary when I asked him. Is my T dosage low enough that it shouldn’t be an issue??

[quote]Grottok wrote:
Also why isn’t my doc prescribing me Arimidex? He said he didn’t think it was necessary when I asked him. Is my T dosage low enough that it shouldn’t be an issue??[/quote]
If your doctor is anything like mine, he’ll say there is no issue until your nips are itchy.

Then he’ll give you anastrozole at 1mg a day, which will then crash you and suck even more than the e2 spike.

Essentially, he probably doesn’t know shit from shinola. I’d say it’s not too early to start shopping a better doctor.

[quote]Grottok wrote:
Also why isn’t my doc prescribing me Arimidex? He said he didn’t think it was necessary when I asked him. Is my T dosage low enough that it shouldn’t be an issue??[/quote]

Many guys don’t need any arimidex when on replacement doses of testosterone; whether or not you do would depend on your clinical picture, which the doctor is presumably taking into account. It is better not to take it if you can get away without it.

[quote]dbmata wrote:

[quote]Grottok wrote:
Also why isn’t my doc prescribing me Arimidex? He said he didn’t think it was necessary when I asked him. Is my T dosage low enough that it shouldn’t be an issue??[/quote]
If your doctor is anything like mine, he’ll say there is no issue until your nips are itchy.

Then he’ll give you anastrozole at 1mg a day, which will then crash you and suck even more than the e2 spike.

Essentially, he probably doesn’t know shit from shinola. I’d say it’s not too early to start shopping a better doctor.[/quote]

Why not then just take .5 EOD even if he prescribes 1mg a day? Just take less than he told u to?

[quote]Grottok wrote:

[quote]dbmata wrote:

[quote]Grottok wrote:
Also why isn’t my doc prescribing me Arimidex? He said he didn’t think it was necessary when I asked him. Is my T dosage low enough that it shouldn’t be an issue??[/quote]
If your doctor is anything like mine, he’ll say there is no issue until your nips are itchy.

Then he’ll give you anastrozole at 1mg a day, which will then crash you and suck even more than the e2 spike.

Essentially, he probably doesn’t know shit from shinola. I’d say it’s not too early to start shopping a better doctor.[/quote]

Why not then just take .5 EOD even if he prescribes 1mg a day? Just take less than he told u to?[/quote]
Because I’m an idiot and trying to work with him to get the whole process right. Instead… I’m learning better. (particularly since he’s now non-responsive.)

Is fT3=3.0 correct?

TSH range is typically something like 0.5-5.0
So docs think that a 10:1 is normal, so TSH=2.5 is perfect!
NOT - see the thyroid basics sticky [7 stickies in total]

I will talk to my doc about thyroid numbers

Also, my temps were as follows: 97.7 in the morning, 96.1 before bed