Who Spends 45 Minutes In the Gym?

I think it depends on how long it takes for you to recover till you feel you can perform in the next set sometimes ill have 3-5 minute rests between sets sometimes 1-2 i dont time them precisely but there just roughly what it is

I can only spend 45 minutes in the gym because I work out on my lunch break. I take long rest breaks so I don’t think this enough for me. I bought weights for my basement so I add a workout after work to make up for it. When I go to the commercial gym on weekends, it spend about 60-80 minutes.

Didn’t we do this thread yesterday? I’m having deja vu. I have done 1 body part a day for 45 minutes with pretty long rests. Like 2-3 minutes. I’ve done 1 hour with 2 or 3 bodyparts with like 1 minute rests. It’s a totally different workout and people can benefit from both. Under 1 minute… and I can’t lift any weight… might as well use the pink DBs.

[quote]Reygekan wrote:
I tend to do 3 “big” exercises (squats/deadlifts/pressing/etc.,) and then two-three “smaller” exercises (cable crunches/curls/etc.,) and I’m usually in and out between 30-40 minutes. I try not to rest too much. If I’m doing a volume heavy workout that day I give myself around a minute or so between sets. If I’m doing an intensity heavy workout my rest periods are as long as it takes me to add more plates to the bar or get some water. I used to take much longer rest periods and I was in the gym a lot longer as a result, but I’ve been trying to really speed it up recently. I kind of have to really, just because of some other constraints here.[/quote]

Wait, you do all 3 Squat/Bench/Dead and then 2 or 3 isolation exercises? Or did you mean to say you do 1 of the “Big 3” and then 2 or 3 isolation exercises?

[quote]Enders Drift wrote:

[quote]Reygekan wrote:
I tend to do 3 “big” exercises (squats/deadlifts/pressing/etc.,) and then two-three “smaller” exercises (cable crunches/curls/etc.,) and I’m usually in and out between 30-40 minutes. I try not to rest too much. If I’m doing a volume heavy workout that day I give myself around a minute or so between sets. If I’m doing an intensity heavy workout my rest periods are as long as it takes me to add more plates to the bar or get some water. I used to take much longer rest periods and I was in the gym a lot longer as a result, but I’ve been trying to really speed it up recently. I kind of have to really, just because of some other constraints here.[/quote]

Wait, you do all 3 Squat/Bench/Dead and then 2 or 3 isolation exercises? Or did you mean to say you do 1 of the “Big 3” and then 2 or 3 isolation exercises?[/quote]

6 excercises in 45 minutes is not a lot with 1 minute rests. Think about it. You can finish an excercise i’d say … in more than five minutes but less than ten.

[quote]yustas wrote:
I have heard many times that it is counterproductive to exercise for more than 45 minutes (1 hour max)[/quote]

just to chime in here. i believe all the studies showing that cortisol rises and testosterone drops after 45 minutes of lifting were performed on an empty stomach 3-5 hours without food. who in their right mind goes to the gym without eating for 3-5 hours and expects to get a good workout in.

[quote]DJS wrote:

[quote]Enders Drift wrote:

[quote]Reygekan wrote:
I tend to do 3 “big” exercises (squats/deadlifts/pressing/etc.,) and then two-three “smaller” exercises (cable crunches/curls/etc.,) and I’m usually in and out between 30-40 minutes. I try not to rest too much. If I’m doing a volume heavy workout that day I give myself around a minute or so between sets. If I’m doing an intensity heavy workout my rest periods are as long as it takes me to add more plates to the bar or get some water. I used to take much longer rest periods and I was in the gym a lot longer as a result, but I’ve been trying to really speed it up recently. I kind of have to really, just because of some other constraints here.[/quote]

Wait, you do all 3 Squat/Bench/Dead and then 2 or 3 isolation exercises? Or did you mean to say you do 1 of the “Big 3” and then 2 or 3 isolation exercises?[/quote]

6 excercises in 45 minutes is not a lot with 1 minute rests. Think about it. You can finish an excercise i’d say … in more than five minutes but less than ten. [/quote]

What is your bodyweight and what in on the bar for your SQ, BP, & Deadlift working sets?

Goodness. Most of my workouts until very recently were under an hour. What does that mean? Nothing. It worked for me and there was no point in being in the gym for another for no reason.

If you are really moving some heavy weights (ie. 400+lbs for squats, 400+lbs for bench press) and you only rest for 1 minute, then you are either a genetic freak in terms of recovery or are likely lying.

You don’t rush into sets of really heavy weight like that unless you want an injury…and most people won’t put 400lbs back on the rack and be ready to hit another all out set with even more weight in less than 60 seconds.

Why the rush?

I wait until my breathing returns to normal or close to it. My body tells me when it is ready to go again, not a stop watch.

well,today less than 45m (33m to be exact,warm up included),
did pec/bis/neck/abs.
chest/bis: one excercise X 3 sets; 3m rest between 5reps sets and 8reps sets,90 sec between 8reps set and 11reps set (missing the 12th…).
neck; one rest pause set 15/6/4 plus iso (btw,4lb more x same reps).
abs; weighted crunches RP set ; 25/9/3
after this I’m well toasted and 20min later I’m so hungry that I could eat the table!
I weight 12lb more than 40 dd ago and my waist seems not become larger (as per belt’s hole).
I hit the weights 5xweek plus 2xweek “fast strenght session” (blasting a 6oz. sinker over the lenght of two football fields).
It seems to work so I don’t change anything (for now :-).

PS; btw, nothing against long resting (even 5min)between sets.