I ran EQ alongside test this winter. 750 mg test e, 400mg EQ but bumped EQ to 600mg halfway through. Ran cycle for about 14 weeks. While I made pretty good gains, I did not notice any benefits from the EQ. Same results as previous test only cycle. Feel like I could have just ran the test and received same benefits. Anyone here notice OBVIOUS benefits from EQ at this dose? Should I have ran it higher? 1000mg?
Take this for what its worth as I primarily powerlift and Im not a BB but I run EQ quite often.
I have never “noticed” any results from EQ in the mirror. No outward physical changes. (Although many use it during cutting cycles)
I dont notice EQ kick in till around 6-8 week mark.
I typically run it at 800mg a week
I notice the increased RBC and extra oxygen it provides during my training and definitely recover faster.
Biggest thing I like is it increases my appetite. Some days I power feed up to 6500K of clean food so the EQ enables this to be easier.
Personally I love the drug I just wish more potent mixes were available for injection volume sake.
I ran EQ and was disappointed also. It seemed like a good substitute for deca at the time but I should’ve just risked the deca-dick rather than a full 12 weeks of EQ. The elevated RBC count is nice though, crazy pumps and shit, but the appetite was never increased for me.
I also ran EQ at a low dose for a couple of weeks and the aromatisation was awful (not sure if it is an aromatisable AAS, although with a similar structure to Dbol I presume it is).
I got gyno very rapidly upon introduction of EQ and had to discontinue it.
[quote]lbraga wrote:
I ran EQ and was disappointed also. It seemed like a good substitute for deca at the time but I should’ve just risked the deca-dick rather than a full 12 weeks of EQ. The elevated RBC count is nice though, crazy pumps and shit, but the appetite was never increased for me.[/quote]
run caber anytime your running tren or deca to keep the prolactin sides away. ive run alot of both and never had problems but ive always kept my test close to double on both as well.
EQ is great stuff, it doesn’t provide the instant weight that test does, but it sure as hell gives quality muscle gains. More subtle but I would say more solid and keepable. To reap maximum benefit, you need to bear in mind several things.
It’s an undeclynate ester which means:
- Has a very very long half life, so you need to frontload the shit out of it.
- Almost half the weight you’re injecting is ester and not gear.
So since its a weak steroid, you need more. I’ve run a gram in the past. At least 12 weeks for best results.
I’m currently about to start running it as a replacement for test in my next cycle, since I can’t handle high test/high tren I’m going to make up the slack with EQ instead. I really can’t wait.
It’s does aromatise and the estrogen it creates is worse than test (at least for me) so you need to run an AI with it. I’ve found that aromasin seems to work best for dealing with eq sides. No idea why, it just beats arimidex and letrozole hands down in terms of how I feel and the control of sides.
Plus I recently read that aromasin is converted to an anabolic metabolite so the deal is fucking sealed for me as far as estrogen control. Fckin A!
MassiveGuns - Has a very very long half life, so you need to frontload the shit out of it.
500mg every 5 days, you think this way i can get results for EQ?
Thanks for all the input guys. Maybe I need to run it higher, maybe I’m just not very responsive to it.
[quote]ironmanzvw wrote:
Thanks for all the input guys. Maybe I need to run it higher, maybe I’m just not very responsive to it.[/quote]
Considering you said you got the same results from the cycle as a previous cycle, I don’t think it did nothing for you, just running test over and over again has diminishing returns. It probably did more than you realise, including protect you from injuries. Run it higher and make sure you frontload it.
[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
Take this for what its worth as I primarily powerlift and Im not a BB but I run EQ quite often.
I have never “noticed” any results from EQ in the mirror. No outward physical changes. (Although many use it during cutting cycles)
I dont notice EQ kick in till around 6-8 week mark.
I typically run it at 800mg a week
I notice the increased RBC and extra oxygen it provides during my training and definitely recover faster.
Biggest thing I like is it increases my appetite. Some days I power feed up to 6500K of clean food so the EQ enables this to be easier.
Personally I love the drug I just wish more potent mixes were available for injection volume sake. [/quote]
God knows why you don’t see UGL eq at 400mg/mL, it’s not like its hard to do.
[quote]MassiveGuns wrote:
[quote]ironmanzvw wrote:
Thanks for all the input guys. Maybe I need to run it higher, maybe I’m just not very responsive to it.[/quote]
Considering you said you got the same results from the cycle as a previous cycle, I don’t think it did nothing for you, just running test over and over again has diminishing returns. It probably did more than you realise, including protect you from injuries. Run it higher and make sure you frontload it.[/quote]
True, didn’t look at it that way.
So if I’m going to run a gram of it…how much should I frontload??
[quote]MassiveGuns wrote:
EQ is great stuff, it doesn’t provide the instant weight that test does, but it sure as hell gives quality muscle gains. More subtle but I would say more solid and keepable. To reap maximum benefit, you need to bear in mind several things.
It’s an undeclynate ester which means:
- Has a very very long half life, so you need to frontload the shit out of it.
- Almost half the weight you’re injecting is ester and not gear.
So since its a weak steroid, you need more. I’ve run a gram in the past. At least 12 weeks for best results.
I’m currently about to start running it as a replacement for test in my next cycle, since I can’t handle high test/high tren I’m going to make up the slack with EQ instead. I really can’t wait.
It’s does aromatise and the estrogen it creates is worse than test (at least for me) so you need to run an AI with it. I’ve found that aromasin seems to work best for dealing with eq sides. No idea why, it just beats arimidex and letrozole hands down in terms of how I feel and the control of sides.
Plus I recently read that aromasin is converted to an anabolic metabolite so the deal is fucking sealed for me as far as estrogen control. Fckin A![/quote]
That’s pretty cool about exemestane turning into an anabolic metabolite!
I’d be interested to see how that high dose EQ works out for you without test.
[quote]ironmanzvw wrote:
I ran EQ alongside test this winter. 750 mg test e, 400mg EQ but bumped EQ to 600mg halfway through. Ran cycle for about 14 weeks. While I made pretty good gains, I did not notice any benefits from the EQ. Same results as previous test only cycle. Feel like I could have just ran the test and received same benefits. Anyone here notice OBVIOUS benefits from EQ at this dose? Should I have ran it higher? 1000mg?[/quote]
If your looking for more lean muscle tissue go with either deca or NPP. Both are great but if u cre about bloat run the npp if not go deca
[quote]ironmanzvw wrote:
[quote]MassiveGuns wrote:
[quote]ironmanzvw wrote:
Thanks for all the input guys. Maybe I need to run it higher, maybe I’m just not very responsive to it.[/quote]
Considering you said you got the same results from the cycle as a previous cycle, I don’t think it did nothing for you, just running test over and over again has diminishing returns. It probably did more than you realise, including protect you from injuries. Run it higher and make sure you frontload it.[/quote]
True, didn’t look at it that way.
So if I’m going to run a gram of it…how much should I frontload??[/quote]
Frontload is usually double your weekly dose, so for a gram weekly first week you need to load 2 grams(!)
after you have been cycling for a while… you start to want to get the most out of ever ML you pin…
so you stop buying things like EQ…
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
after you have been cycling for a while… you start to want to get the most out of ever ML you pin…
so you stop buying things like EQ…[/quote]
I am kinda feeling the same way about EQ now. Jut stick with test and deca/npp for me I guess. I can’t do Tren bc it exaggerates my anxiety/depression an insane amount.
Any other suggestions for future cycles that exclude tren Walkaway?
lots of:
masteron/halo/winstrol are basically precontest only for our purposes… EQ is garbage… orals are generally more trouble than they are worth in terms of side effects vs gains…
idk man i love tren, been on that shit for over a year doses ranging from 100mg-1g/week i honestly don’t even feel the side effects anymore
or maybe im just so used to them i dont notice them anymore?
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
lots of:
masteron/halo/winstrol are basically precontest only for our purposes… EQ is garbage… orals are generally more trouble than they are worth in terms of side effects vs gains…
idk man i love tren, been on that shit for over a year doses ranging from 100mg-1g/week i honestly don’t even feel the side effects anymore
or maybe im just so used to them i dont notice them anymore?[/quote]
Yea I wish I could get away with tren man…I know it’s the shit.
I’m not big on orals either, just seem to be too many cons v pros.
So I’ve never ran more than 750mg test, or 500 deca. If I were to up those to say…1000 mg test and 800 mg deca, would I notice a drastic difference even if I’m doing a slight cut at the moment? Or should those higher doses be reserved for putting the weight on?
[quote]ironmanzvw wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
lots of:
masteron/halo/winstrol are basically precontest only for our purposes… EQ is garbage… orals are generally more trouble than they are worth in terms of side effects vs gains…
idk man i love tren, been on that shit for over a year doses ranging from 100mg-1g/week i honestly don’t even feel the side effects anymore
or maybe im just so used to them i dont notice them anymore?[/quote]
Yea I wish I could get away with tren man…I know it’s the shit.
I’m not big on orals either, just seem to be too many cons v pros.
So I’ve never ran more than 750mg test, or 500 deca. If I were to up those to say…1000 mg test and 800 mg deca, would I notice a drastic difference even if I’m doing a slight cut at the moment? Or should those higher doses be reserved for putting the weight on?[/quote]
during a cut? probably not
but definitely during a gaining phase
id bump the test up to 1200-1500mg to be honest, and deca at 750-1000mg assuming ur diet and training are on point
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
[quote]ironmanzvw wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
lots of:
masteron/halo/winstrol are basically precontest only for our purposes… EQ is garbage… orals are generally more trouble than they are worth in terms of side effects vs gains…
idk man i love tren, been on that shit for over a year doses ranging from 100mg-1g/week i honestly don’t even feel the side effects anymore
or maybe im just so used to them i dont notice them anymore?[/quote]
Yea I wish I could get away with tren man…I know it’s the shit.
I’m not big on orals either, just seem to be too many cons v pros.
So I’ve never ran more than 750mg test, or 500 deca. If I were to up those to say…1000 mg test and 800 mg deca, would I notice a drastic difference even if I’m doing a slight cut at the moment? Or should those higher doses be reserved for putting the weight on?[/quote]
during a cut? probably not
but definitely during a gaining phase
id bump the test up to 1200-1500mg to be honest, and deca at 750-1000mg assuming ur diet and training are on point[/quote]
Thanks. I probably won’t be cutting to much longer honestly. I just wanted to get off that winter bulk fat and bloat, which I did. took it from 218 to 202. Definitly not ripped to shreds or anything, but I can see my abs and am vascualr as hell. So just another month or so then I’ll start building it again.
I eat clean when I bulk, just a lotttttt of fucking carbs lol.