Who Jump Ropes?

[quote]debraD wrote:
Does anyone do double unders? What is the point (other than being tricky)? Are they worth doing? [/quote]

I use double unders as intervals. My rope cardio training includes 100 consecutive double unders followed by 5 minutes regular jumping to recover then back to 100 double unders. I usually go on like that for about 30 minutes.

Other than it being tricky…it’s hard work. I think they’re worth doing. IMO, my rope-based cardio wouldn’t be as effective without them.

Still learning not to suck, but definitely rope skipping here.

When i was part of the Uni boxing club we did 90sec intervals of speed skipping, then 10 push ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 squats and a 10 sec break. This was a warm up for 30 mins before each training session. I do the same now but not to the same intensity.

Jump rope is great conditioning tool. Cheap and effective. Great for all athletes and even good for powerlifter guys who want to stay athletic.

[quote]theBird wrote:

[quote]Melvin Smiley wrote:

[quote]havokmma wrote:
Being that i boxed for years jumping rope was always apart of our training. [/quote]

Yep. The kids at the gym like to tease me because I’m supposed to be some big tough guy but I’m as good with a jump rope as any 8 year old girl in town lol[/quote]

Your the big guy in the gym?


I’m a monster compared to your average third grader.