Who Grows a Fruit/Veg Garden?

DId some weedeating and raking last weekend. Tried to start the tiller, no go. Ordered a new carburetor and put it on this weekend. One of the screws wouldn’t fit in the new carb but I finally dug one up that worked. Yay!

Got three rows of onions and the strawberries planted.

I can already see a problem :joy:


You’re killing me. It’s solidly mid-winter here (snowing right now) with anything to do with gardens months away.

My daughter’s mid-March birthday coincided with planting time when I lived in Texas, and it’s always hard when it comes and I’m looking out the window at this, which was taken a week after her birthday:

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Although let me add that that’s the only time I miss living in TX. I like the snow, and love the climate of where I am. Hills and big trees and seasons are my jam.

But I do miss Texas in March!

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Weather has been super crazy this year! 76 and sunny yesterday!

I’ll be in San Diego in a couple of weeks and am hoping to beat the “average daily high” of 66 and really get warmed up!

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My wife grew up on a vegetable farm, mainly cauliflower, tomatoes, and lettuces/greens. Her father is now finally slowing the farm down, so we dismantled one of his greenhouses (120’ long by 25’ wide) and intend on putting it up on our new property once we get settled in (likely a project for this summer). We will probably miss most of our growing season in 2020, but stay tuned in 2021 for all sorts of veggies/plants!

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At the moment, I am not sure I could grow anything even if I have a heated green house with extra lights.

Started celery, bell pepper, and eggplant from seeds so far. A bit behind schedule with where I’d planned to be and I hoped to have more stuff going by now, but it’s something.

Celery seedlings are wonky, but they’re trying. Shortly after they sprouted, they spent the first two or three weeks getting sunlight only five days a week. I literally forgot to move them into the sunny spot on the weekend. Whoops.

Eggplants (left side of the container) are doing pretty good so far. No clue why the one dude is huge compared to the rest. They all went in the same time, got the same light, water, etc. Nature’s weird. Only two bell peppers (right side of the container) have started coming up so far. We’ll see if they other two pop up or not.

Weather is kinda-sorta getting to be consistently 50-ish, so hopefully I can get more stuff going outside soon as it warms up a bit.


Vague question but are there any plants that are good “beginner” plants to try to grow or are they all pretty much the same?

Basil and tomatoes are not foolproof but you don’t have to be a gardening God to do pretty good with them.

And some tomato plants yield like crazy. My sister would do like 5 Roma tomato plants, and end up supplying the neighborhood with them by mid-late summer.

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Despite my screwing them up earlier in the thread, I still like the idea of radishes because they grow pretty quick (about a month or so).

Otherwise, buying a packet of seeds and starting from scratch takes a bit more time and care than buying sprouted stuff that’s already on growing. So maybe head to your local nursery/garden center and see what they’ve already got started that you can take home and maintain.

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I have few tomatoes up, along with some annual flowers. Had a good germination rate but the cats decided to have some kind of party on my plants. Not happy!

These are bush beefsteak

Mortgage Lifters

This while thing hasn’t started off well for me this year. The deer ate my onions and my strawberries are just sitting there, haven’t grown ANY! I am going out in the pasture today and pick up some fertilizer.

99% tilled up 70% planted
Maybe someday I can upload some pics… sure glad I am paying full price for this “high speed” data!



Superb effort chic, I’m not surprised though as you seem to put a Herculean effort into everything you do. Awesome, well done.

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Thanks! We will keep our fingers crossed, that we actually get to eat something.

Week end project, build raised garden bed. No planting for a while, it snowed yesterday.
last year I tried the hay bale garden, that was a major fail. Hay grow, and my straw molded too much and now this is crazy expensive. I had tried the palettes garden but those rot and nails all over the place to get hurt.

So lets try raised bed with treated wood.
Planning to have tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, squash, peppers and leafy green stuff.
I promise no KALE


That is a big garden! So, no grocery store produce needed from summer through late fall?

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Hopefully! Gardening is always a crap shoot. All you can do is, plant it, work it, and hope for the best…lol

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Got my first 3x20 bed made with cinder blocks. All filled up with what garden soil I had left. Now wait a few days for most of the soil to thaw out.
I have some large chunk. Moving frozen soil is only possible with a tractor and bucket.

Next bed will be made of left over wood from the barn remodleing. I will need to order some more garden soil. And I could get some clear tarp to start a bit earlier.


Beans looking good

These potatoes are coming up in rag tag fashion


Carrots so tiny when they come up


As bad as I hate to I’m going to have to ahead and put some fertilizer on it. I really want something to eat out of it this year.

The weather has been crazy. Had to put frost guard on the beans night two nights ago.

Need the get my watermelon and cantaloupes planted along with more black eyed peas.

I found some lemon cucumber seeds at the store Wed! I love those.

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