It can be managed if you are disciplined. I’ve reconnected with a ton of people, and have even gotten some business from it. I agree with Cowboy (surprise lol) about not playing the farm game or mafia wars or “sending people beers” or “throwing shoes” at people.
I have a friend who does nothing but sit on facebook and meet chicks and fuck them. He get’s like four dates a week from that shit! I got a friend request last week from MY SON! Ain’t that some shit?
I did, but cancelled it due to some crazy ex-girlfriend drama. It sucks 'cause there were lots of people who I’d lost touch with over the years who came back into my life through facebook and were “instantly accessible”. Most of those same people were on myspace, but my girl tells me no one uses myspace anymore. That and I forgot my password and don’t care enough to change it. Now that I think about it I guess it doesn’t suck too bad or I woulda done something about it… So in conclusion, facebook’s gay.
I got a page a couple years ago to communicate with a old friend about powerlifting. I now use it to stay in touch with some old friends as we’re spread out over the country… and beyond. Funny thing is most of the time I use it to catch up with people I know from here.
Bean counter, to help appease you, I’ve never posted an update message.
I like FB a lot. Honestly what isn’t to like if you use it for non-retarded reasons? Keep in touch with friends, see pictures, talk to people via the chat, check out hot girls, share youtube/music vids, etc etc.
Retarded reasons: constantly updating your status to shit that doesn’t matter, mafiawars or whatever the fuck people are sending me, some other shit I can’t remember but know it’s retarded…
[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
I did, but cancelled it due to some crazy ex-girlfriend drama. It sucks 'cause there were lots of people who I’d lost touch with over the years who came back into my life through facebook and were “instantly accessible”. Most of those same people were on myspace, but my girl tells me no one uses myspace anymore. That and I forgot my password and don’t care enough to change it. Now that I think about it I guess it doesn’t suck too bad or I woulda done something about it… Son in conclusion, facebook’s gay.[/quote]
I used to have one, but I deleted. I just never remembered to check it much. Also, I hated how some people thought that if you didn’t respond to people’s facebook friend requests or messages, they thought they hated you. I also didn’t like people from parties who’s names I had already forgotten trying to make friend requests. The way I feel about it is that if someone is worth contacting, I’ll give them a text or a ring.
Have one but makes no use of it at all. I’m kind of a loner, I’ve no need for this crap. Email and web messenger application are more than enough for staying in touch with friends and family I genuinely care about.
[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
. I also didn’t like people from parties who’s names I had already forgotten trying to make friend requests. The way I feel about it is that if someone is worth contacting, I’ll give them a text or a ring.[/quote]
maybe they thought YOU were someone worth contacting. guess you proved them wrong!
i had one a couple of years ago, but canned it pretty quickly.
“hey tdubs, remember me? we sat next to each other in chemistry class!”
“oh yeah… so… what you up to nowadays?”
“oh you know (insert boring story involving dead end job, teen pregnancy and broken dreams)”
“cool story…” remembers why we weren’t friends at school and haven’t spoken in 10 years
I basically use it to bs with old college buddies about sports, and talk with a few girls who live out of town. Other than that its just a medium for sharing pictures with friends.
Facebook was cool when it was an exclusive thing only for college kids (I signed up for an account back when it wasn’t even for every college - you had to have a valid e-mail address at one of the colleges that had facbook available). Once it became open everyone - you have 12 year old kids, grandparents and everyone in between it has ceased to be cool in my eyes (plus now companies use it for advertising). I have also heard potential employers will go on there and snoop around (yeah I know you can use privacy settings to they can’t find you).
I canceled my accound 3 or so years ago and haven’t looked back - if I want to talk to you then you have my phone number/e-mail address.
Yea I have one … I use it occasionally. It’s not a bad thing if you have self control and don’t spend all damn day looking at useless updates from neurotic ex-girlfriends who assume everyone wants to know they just stood behind the weirdest guy at Starbucks before they were helped by the rudest 19 year old college kid in order to get their latte (ad naseum) or that the kindergarteners that they teach asked if she was Asian. And she has the nerve to get mad when I comment asking her if she stopped taking her meds…
[quote]tdubs wrote:
i had one a couple of years ago, but canned it pretty quickly.
“hey tdubs, remember me? we sat next to each other in chemistry class!”
“oh yeah… so… what you up to nowadays?”
“oh you know (insert boring story involving dead end job, teen pregnancy and broken dreams)”
“cool story…” remembers why we weren’t friends at school and haven’t spoken in 10 years
repeat x 100
deletes facebook account[/quote]
Bingo!..this is why I don’t have one. I’d rather spend my free time with my wife and son that are right in front of me. Not trying to be ant-social but the less time I spend infront of a computer screen the better. Go outside and do something.