Whiplash : Getting Jacked to be the Scary Dad

So I jumped in to the transformation challenge…my goal is simple…get bigger and stronger. Last year I leaned out and I have managed to maintain my particular level of leanness for the most part since the end of that one. Actually during the summer there was a moment where I had gotten leaner yet. But my body is telling me it wants to grow…my gym numbers are going up, I can see some gains coming…so I’m just gonna simply chase a gaining phase for the foreseeable future. I’m not gonna use it as an excuse to gorge myself on pop tarts and pizza mind you…I’m doing things mindfully and with intention. I’m starting this challenge out at about 200lbs…and sooner rather than later I’ll put up a couple other pictures here to show a little bit more of where I’m at aside from what will be in this post. Also to help kick things off as well, I’m doing a dry January…not that I drink a lot but December has been a boozy month for me between my birthday, the company Christmas party as well as Christmas itself.

I had been doing a reworked split where I was doing chest/bicpes, back/tricep, shoulders/traps/calves, and then legs. It was working very well and I don’t have complaints…but to kick things off here I’m gonna go back to push/pull/legs for a minute with the goal of having a 2 on 1 off type of schedule with training. Currently my protein is high, carbs moderate and my fat is low-moderate and over the last few weeks I have bumped my protein intake up a smidge. So we will see how things go over the next stretch here…also I don’t know how to add the tag to my log here for this year’s transformation @TrainForPain


Edit your first post in the top of the log and you should be able to add a tag.

Pumped you’re doing it!

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Thank you!

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Happy belated birthday! Nice choice for a birthday workout. I hit my birthday a week from today, but no way am I doing 60 reps of anything to celebrate…

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Yeah 60 reps could get interesting pretty quick haha. Happy early birthday

Couple more photos here just to have a half decent idea of where I’m at for the start of this thing. I weighed in at 203 the other morning as well. I don’t have any sort of specific weight that I’m trying to gain to…but I’m curious to see where I’ll end up. And then after the transformation challenge is done I’ll start cutting again I think…we’ll see



So last night was a little rough…it was late and I was tired…but I still got at least a little bit in. Mostly I just deadlifted but it went ok. Got in something like 9 or 10 working sets for deadlifts so it was definitely better than nothing


I haven’t logged my workouts but I am still getting after it. However…my schedule got thrown off a bit so just simply due to life circumstances I have wound up on a funky body part split over the last few days or so. Yesterday I did delts and triceps, today is quads and a little bit of back, and then tomorrow I’ll be back to chest again…I’ll be treating it as my “push day” but basically just focus on benching and dips because of what I did yesterday. Basically over the last few days I have been playing catch up I guess. Anywho…

Quads - back squat heals elevated x 4 sets
Barbell reverse lunge short step x 3 sets
Sissy squat x 1 to failure

Back - pull-ups x 3 sets
Meadows row x 3 sets
T bar row x 2 sets


Wed night chest and tris

Flat bench 5x3-5 and then 3x8-10
Incline bench 4x6-8
Flys 2xfailure

Seated overhead tricep 2xfailure
Bodyweight tricep ext superset with hands elevated diamond pushups x 3 sets

I have found that i need to alter my split slightly. I have been on the push/pull/legs thing for a little while now, and while my strength is going up, my body is feeling a little beat up…so I’m going to break it up slightly. Chest and tris, back and bis, legs, and then a separate shoulder/assistance day. Out of the big three, where I really I want to see my numbers go up is bench and squat…deadlift is not a focus of mine right now. I’m still training my posterior chain of course and including some deadlift related training in that…but still. I’m more concerned with things like benching, squatting, pull-ups, overhead press and rows. Slightly breaking things up so that shoulder/overhead work is on a different day is necessary I think. My numbers are going up in the gym and I’m pushing the food…but I’m avoiding mirrors this gaining phase and I haven’t stepped on the scale in a week and half I think.



I did some decent volume on shoulders today, and some core work as well. My core is a weak spot, and I know I need to bring it up in order to keep progressing. I am also up by 5ish lbs now so that’s a good thing. I also included shrugs, which I think I need to be doing more regularly.

Standing Ohp x 5 sets
Upright row x 5 sets
Plate raise x 2 sets
Side raise/rear raise superset x 3 sets
Shrugs x 4 sets

Standing calf x 5 sets

I’m not exactly sure what the name would be of my first ab exercise would be…but I came up with a isometric for the obliques that worked well and then i superseted that with heavy side bends. Finished off with leg raises.

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Ok so I was supposed to do my back day last night, but I wound up having a pretty good fall on the ice when I was walking my dog yesterday. Pretty sure I sprained or strained my wrist in some way…so I skipped training last night. It’s sore today but feels better than last night so I’ll be training tonight. If any exercise feels uncomfortable then I won’t do it obviously. We’ll see how it goes!

Man, those unplanned injuries suck. And it’s not like we ever PLAN to get hurt, but it’s somehow better when it happens IN training vs just stupid life stuff. Heal up!

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feel better soon

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That’s rough! One of those things you can’t predict or plan for. Be careful working around it, don’t hurt yourself further, is my advice coming from a place of age and painful experience.

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Thanks man, much appreciated. And your right too haha…in training injury just makes more sense somehow

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Hey thanks, I appreciate it. I’m definitely trying to be careful with it…20 year old me wouldn’t have been haha :rofl:

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So my wrist is feeling pretty much back to normal which is good. I have trained still a couple times since my fall and it went alright. So that’s a good thing. Nothing spectacular to speak about training wise right now…just plugging along I suppose.

My best friends fiancé works for comicon, and so i have a free pass for the expo in Calgary in April. I hope my gaining phase goes well so I look just a little more jacked while I’m walking around there lol.

I discovered a small gym here that holds powerlifting competitions as well as has a pl’ing team…the cost is pretty decent too and I believe the facilities are 24hr. I’ll be looking into it…they have a bench rep max challenge in may that I might jump into.

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