Which Tren

I was wandering which tren would be best to take for a strength bulk cycle.
Tren Acetate,or tren enenthate.
Thanks for any incite.

If your body can take the tren and want the infrequent injects then go ahead with the Enanthate. 1st timers should use the Ace just in case they cannt handle it it will clear in a day or two.

[quote]sapasion wrote:
If your body can take the tren and want the infrequent injects then go ahead with the Enanthate. 1st timers should use the Ace just in case they cannt handle it it will clear in a day or two.[/quote]

what do you mean,cant handle it.What does it do.

sweats, insomnia, lethargy, decreased aerobic capacity, aggression.

people experience sides for all gear to different degres. Tren is one of the stronger compounds and has fairly strong sides for most.

If you have a short ester like Ace you can have it out of your system in a few days. With Enth it is in you for a few weeks after last injection.

[quote]FuriousGeorge wrote:
sweats, insomnia, lethargy, decreased aerobic capacity, aggression.

people experience sides for all gear to different degres. Tren is one of the stronger compounds and has fairly strong sides for most.

If you have a short ester like Ace you can have it out of your system in a few days. With Enth it is in you for a few weeks after last injection.[/quote]

ROGER THAT.i will stick with
t-enanthate or sust.

I’ve been on a cutting cycle with Tren Enth and Test Prop for about 4 weeks now and I’ve not only kept all my previous gains, but I think I’ve gained a few pounds of lean muscle. My body fat is dropping while my actual weight hovers at about the same.

I’m definitely satisfied with Tren Enth, and I frankly don’t notice any side effects other than a bit of insomnia. For my next bulking cycle, I’m definitely going with Tren Enth again.

[quote]horsepuss wrote:

ROGER THAT.i will stick with
t-enanthate or sust.

Well, don’t completely abandon Tren. If you’re looking for results it the best thing in the world mg per mg [amongst injectables]. If you have a few cycles under your belt and want to give Tren a go, try the Ace at 50mg’s ED and graduate up to 75 or 100mg’s ED over the course of a week or two.

Your body will obviously tell you what it will and won’t handle. If you can work up to 100mg’s ED your results will be very evident and tangible.

For what its worth some elite levels powerlifters are doing 2 grams of Tren a week so not everyone gets the problems [or else they don’t mind, if it gives them a 1100lb squat]

Thanks for all the info.