I’m curious to see if the 150mg/week Mast I’m running will counteract the total libido shutdown I got last time I tried Anavar. It took about 2 weeks at 50mg/day to completely turn off libido and erections. I’m like 4 days in on 75mg/day right now.
You’re the one that convinced me to try Mast over Proviron and I’m so damn happy I did. I’ll never run anything in addition to TRT without it.
I just got some 200 mg/mL Masteron and I’m excited to try it. First of all, its super clear and my current stuff is amber. Not sure if that makes a difference, maybe just the carrier oil but we’ll see.
Also just ordered some raw anavar powder that’s about 98% pure. I made a 25 mg/mL grain alcohol solution for that and draw it with a syringe for oral. Its really good. I’m running 50 mg/day and getting great pumps and some cramping.
My Mast Prop is crystal clear (100mg/ml) and that shit works so I wouldn’t worry about it.
What do you get from Anavar? I’ve never done more than 2-3 weeks previously and stopped when it killed my libido a week before I was supposed to meet the hottest girl I’ve ever seen for the first time so I couldn’t continue. Luckily it came back exactly 8 days after I stopped which was the day before I met with her. I’m taking it with the intention of getting cut up more than anything else (along with 350 T & 150 Mast).
Why are you using prop as opposed to E. If you’re going to be on for a while, a longer ester should spare you quite a bit of pain no?
No pain at all. I originally was going to use it for 8 weeks with the Test Prop I have but decided to go longer because of an opportunity that came up.
For me I get some fat loss and slow lean gains. Too much though causes muscle pain
Just an update for anyone following this thread – I’m 4 weeks into the new protocol mentioned above. a few days ago erections started to come back. I can keep it up for 20-25 min during sex now and they’re close to max hardness. My libido is still in and out though. My wife’s also hot and she had to jump on me and grab my dick last night before i was at all interested in sex.
I ordered Proviron online 11 days ago and it never showed up. don’t think i’d take it now even if it did. more meds, more complications. It was a panic reaction to fix the deca dick quicker, but it seems to be getting better on its own.
I’m due for labs soon with defy, so i’m going to take them at the 7 or 8 week mark, and talk about possibly dropping deca altogether and jack up my Test Cyp. Not sure what i’ll ask to move to yet. I’m open to suggestions. Maybe 200/mg/week? 210? If i feel great after 7-8 weeks, i’ll probably stick with the current protocol for a while.
5 Days on proviron (25mg/day), and a test + hcg protocol change seems to be working!!! I wasn’t taking HUGE amounts of deca like many who experience deca dick, but i was taking it at a bad test to deca ratio for 8 months. All signs point to my DHT getting hammered by the deca. I’ll finish the bottle of dopamine brain sups i ordered (a few days ago), incase that was the issue, but i only just started those. This isn’t scientific. I’m just some guy on a forum trying to tell my story so hopefully the next guy who comes across this can try the same things and fix his dick. It sucks to go through.
I had a raging boner last night. 10/10. Went 20 minutes and could have gone longer. The wife asked if i took a viagra or something. When i had deca dick bad, viagra didn’t even work. I’m sure it’ll be off and on as it comes back - especially since i just changed my protocol again. BUT, this is super encouraging and i’m ecstatic.
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