I’ll weigh in here, FWIW… My first cycle was the pretty standard/simple stack of: Test Enanthate - 800mg / Deca - 400mg / D-bol - 40mg. For length: Test E - 12 weeks / Deca - 12 weeks / D-bol - 6 weeks.
I have to say, I loved this cycle! I gained a little over 40lbs (ha, comprised of exactly what, not sure, but obviously it was not all muscle) and I was bigger and stronger everywhere. Every single one of my lifts went up substantially, I felt like a beast in the gym, and best of all, my joints felt incredible; like they did when I first started training. No exercises, movements, etc caused me any elbow, shoulder, knee pain and my recovery from hard training sessions was lightning fast: both muscular and neural recovery.
HOWEVER!!..On just my very next cycle (and done after several months off, and after running a pretty standard PCT of nolva, clomid, and TIME), running the same compounds, I began to notice towards maybe the 2 months mark(week 8 of 12) the nasty incidents of problems in my pants! I had a robust sex drive, but my ability to get fully hard began to really struggle, and if I did, it often would limp out on me during sex, and my ability to finish got progressively harder and harder. So much so that my gf at the time would often just say “it’s ok, you don’t have to finish, we can do other things” which, while she meant well, was like the ultimate embarrassment and of course did not help. As soon at that occurred, my stubborn ass did NOT simply stop taking Deca but I backed off my dose to only 200mg/wk (I had been taught that your Deca dose should always be half of your test dose, so I figured I’d simply make the percentage smaller) the rest of my 12 week cycle. RESULT: not a damn thing, and the issues only got worse.
Here’s where I would like to be sure to add: I personally feel that there are often two intertwined things at play with the dreaded “deca dick”: 1) obviously is the loss or impairment of ability to perform, sexually and 2) is the resulting psychosomatic problems that manifest in your head from your decreased physical performance! I think that once you begin experiencing issues getting aroused, staying hard, going soft during sex, or being able to finish, that your mind then becomes a massive, often PRIMARY, saboteur to your sexual function. Because once all of this begins, each time you’re fooling around with your gf/wife/etc and your brain knows it’s heading in the direction of sex, BOOM! your mind, followed by your body, begins betraying you.
So after this, I sadly chose to never again run Deca nor to even attempt to try to run it, I simply switched EQ in for Deca in my cycles and had no issues whatsoever-but I lost what, to me, was the best part of Deca, the amazing feeling joints that never hurt.
Deca is the only compound that really caused me issues (no, I never had access to NPP then as it wasn’t around like it is now), Tren didn’t even give me problems, but Deca was a compromise that I was not wiling to accept.
So, I had great initial success with Deca, but horrible personal relationship success with it as well. I think in my case that once I had really built up, over time, enough of it in my system that it began causing me very difficult sexual problems. But hey, if you’re single, lol or married and just never have sex with your wife, and want a strong anabolic and have issues with your joints causing you pain and holding you back, then Deca is an awesome hormone! I would seriously recommend it to anyone looking to begin cycling AAS; albeit with a mention to them to keep an eye out for any unusual side effects and tell me about them. notice I did NOT mention deca dick, or sexual sides…I would never specifically mention those sides because I believe that doing so plants even the tiniest seed in their brains that they may experience sexual problems and then yet again, the problems become psychosomatic and they immediately begin second guessing their performance abilities. I’ve found over all my years that, as a man, your brain plays a much bigger role in your sexual abilities/performance than just your physical abilities: if you’re psyched out, you WILL NOT usually get or maintain an erection, no matter how much you will it. You have to be relaxed/calm.