When Will My Cycle of Test E Kick In?

So I’m 4 days in now. Running test E 250mg twice a week. I’m two injections in. I feel a different in my pump… much easier to obtain. Really no strength gains. My skin looks great!! Sex drive has improved a little bit. Not much of a different in my physique. What do you guys think? How long till I notice a dramatic difference?

Test doesn’t really “kick in”. You will experience a gradual improvement in strength and bodycomp as the weeks go by. Significant visual improvements will appear by week 8.

I feel like I immediately noticed a difference but on day 5 I really feel no different at all. I feel like I’m not even on gear. Is this just my head messing with me? When should I actually notice something? Maybe week 3?

everything you’ve said is placebo effect. Guaranteed. Your skin looks the same, sex drive is the same, your physique is the same, and the pump is the same. Test E will not have affected any of these things in this period of time. And as dt said, you will not notice a dramatic difference at any particular point in the cycle.

Noticed a difference in strength today. Put 365 on the squat rack and reped it 3 times. I’ve never done that before. Physique doesn’t look much different. Maybe a bit more full. I’m a little bit more vascular noticed my biceps are pretty veiny now. My pump is much easier to achieve. My skin definitely changed. My skin is much more coarse and clear as before it looked dull and dead and oily. Makes my skin look 10x better. I know that is not a placebo effect at all.

believe what you want to.