When to Get Bloods?

Hey guys, got bloods before, midway through, and a month and a half after cycle. I was pretty close to back to normal, still feel good. When should I get another blood lab—3 or 4 months maybe? Just want to be sure I’m back to normal.

Sounds reasonable to me. What were your results 6 weeks post cycle?

TESTOSTERONE, SERUM- 593 ngdl (264-916 ng/dl)
FREE TESTOSTERONE(DIRECT)- 11.0 pg/ml (9.3-26.5 pg/ml)

ESTRADIOL- 18.7 pg/ml (7.6-42.6 pg/ml)
LH- 5.6 mIu/mL (1.7-8.6)
FSH- 2.6 mlu/mL (1.5-12.4 )
PROLACTIN- 6.9 ng/mL (4.0-15.2)

You may want to add in your SHBG next time. I would as your results indicate a likely high number. Not much you can do about it though. Were you feeling ‘normal’ again at the time you took those?

I feel good, also think my body is still recovering and should see free test improve and e go up

Any more advice you can give me?

It’s probably still too soon and your levels will likely go up within the next couple months. If you feel good then that’s a great indicator things are going in the right direction.

Thanks. How long should I wait then? Are my bloods pretty okay as they are now?

@jkfish You seem to be doing things correctly. Steer the course and unless you start feeling consistently like crap then wait for the next bloods as you suggested… 3-4 months.

Thanks man. This was my first cycle so just super cautious. Had acne bad on it as well so just trying to get back to normal.