When Do Immortals Stop Aging?

[quote]jahall wrote:

  1. Fuck good Charlotte

  2. Is it true that if i kill you, i become you?[/quote]

GC has a few good songs out there you gotta admit. Other than the 2 or three that are decent I say fuck them too. thats a sick driving song tho

and you wouldnt really try to kill me would you? that’s not cool! I mean, I’m one of the good ones.

[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
jahall wrote:

  1. Fuck good Charlotte

  2. Is it true that if i kill you, i become you?

GC has a few good songs out there you gotta admit. Other than the 2 or three that are decent I say fuck them too. thats a sick driving song tho

and you wouldnt really try to kill me would you? that’s not cool! I mean, I’m one of the good ones.

You’re not immortal. I must of heard hundreds of you rodents make the same claim. Each one of them has tasted the end of my sword.

[quote]SSC wrote:
Why don’t you just ask Count Rockula?[/quote]


[quote]Matthaeus wrote:
You’re not immortal. I must of heard hundreds of you rodents make the same claim. Each one of them has tasted the end of my sword.[/quote]

Bahahaha! Comedy gold right here!

[quote]Artem wrote:
After their 1,095th erection.[/quote]

I’d hit a solid 3000 be the age of seven.

Does that mean there can be immortal babies? Weird.

[quote]Artem wrote:
After their 1,095th erection.[/quote]

Thats way off, its your 1,023.5 erection, the .5 being when you’re thinking about a hot chick and just getting it up and then a fat chick walks by and crushes it, BITCH!

for me it happened at a much younger age then most people, mainly because i can jerk off in my sleep. Some people call it wet dreams, I call it being efficient.

[quote]ElbowStrike wrote:
They cease to age whenever they are first “killed” as a mortal, and are then resurrected as an immortal.

If they go through their entire life and die of natural causes, I believe that in that case they stay dead.[/quote]

I seem to remember in the Highlander series it was explained that a violent death brought about the resurrection of an immortal. That’s why everyone in the films dies in some violent way only to rise again.

If they don’t receive a final violent coup de grace, then they can die from old age.

I guess there must be some minimum, possibly puberty. Although saying that, I’m sure I remember an immortal girl of about 12 in one of the films or a flashback in the series.

The thing I was always curious about is the physicality and healing aspect. Say one of us became immortal, could we continue to build muscle by lifting heavy iron, and if so, then could we purposefully overtrain because our mirraculous healing would allow us to repair muscle fibre damage at an astounding rate?

oooo guys are we playing pretend? i wanna be batman

[quote]jahall wrote:

  1. Fuck good Charlotte

  2. Is it true that if i kill you, i become you?[/quote]

If #2 was the case, I wouldn’t kill him … that’d be a fate worse than death.

Something about her forehead used to bug me, but now she’s sporting bangs on Heroes and that made it all better. She’s probably going to pull an Alissa Millano and be a super hot adult. I remember that she did a Bring It On cheerleader movie and she did this really awesome booty shake then slap…It was mind bottling…Yah I said bottling!

[quote]Professor X wrote:
countingbeans wrote:
Professor X wrote:

That cheerleader on Heroes is clearly the exception.

What was this thread about again?

Who cares. I’m a fan just because she clearly has and uses a gym membership.[/quote]

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
oooo guys are we playing pretend? i wanna be batman[/quote]

Batman, really? You could be batman right now, he doesn’t even have super powers.

I thought you guys would enjoy this, I’m not sure who’s she’s oiling up, but me likee!

I’m hoping at 44.

I thought it was whenever a “quickening” awakened a group of immortals.

I don’t think the quickening is directly linked to death, could be wrong though.

I know in the TV series there is a young boy immortal and is perpetually like 13.

has anyone ever eally thought about what it would be like to be immortal.It would be great and hooible at the same time.You could allways bang hot chicks, you could pretty much do whatever you wanted.It would be plenty of time to learn everything and really understand life and the earth and space.

Then some million years from now you would just be wandering around after everyone has been killed or died off and you would suffocate from the atmosphere thinning out and all the air going away…Crazy

[quote]horsepuss wrote:
has anyone ever eally thought about what it would be like to be immortal.It would be great and hooible at the same time.You could allways bang hot chicks, you could pretty much do whatever you wanted.It would be plenty of time to learn everything and really understand life and the earth and space.

Then some million years from now you would just be wandering around after everyone has been killed or died off and you would suffocate from the atmosphere thinning out and all the air going away…Crazy[/quote]

Suffocate? I don’t think so, unless some meteor came and chopped your head off, you don’t die. You could probably learn to fly around in space after a million years on earth, so i’m guessing you would go on living and become an interstellar traveler. How cool would it be to be an immortal and make first contact with some aliens looking to conquer the planet. They abduct you and attempt to kill you so they can study you, no matter what they do, you just keep staying alive and telling them to fuck off. They then high tail it the fuck outta there thinking the whole population is the same.

Anyways, yea immortality would be cool, I would do it no problem.


[quote]pch2 wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
oooo guys are we playing pretend? i wanna be batman

Batman, really? You could be batman right now, he doesn’t even have super powers.[/quote]

Most people will NEVER be able to become Batman. Being Batman involves a lot of hard work: Olympic level athlete, strength like an elite powerlifter, agility of a gymnast, genius level intellect, expert at forensic sciences, master of disguise, world’s greatest detective, and so on. Most people will be lucky to even accomplish half of that. Becoming Batman is a great aspiration.

[quote]Matthaeus wrote:
Ct. Rockula wrote:
jahall wrote:

  1. Fuck good Charlotte

  2. Is it true that if i kill you, i become you?

GC has a few good songs out there you gotta admit. Other than the 2 or three that are decent I say fuck them too. thats a sick driving song tho

and you wouldnt really try to kill me would you? that’s not cool! I mean, I’m one of the good ones.

You’re not immortal. I must of heard hundreds of you rodents make the same claim. Each one of them has tasted the end of my sword.[/quote]


Blade ftw.