[quote]trhoads155 wrote:
Seems like there is a lot of shoulder, chest, leg and tricep work but what about back and biceps work.[/quote]
One upper body day hits the chest, back, triceps, and shoulders; the other upper body day hits back, shoulder, tris, and bis. Everything’s getting plenty of work between the strength-based work and the hypertrophy stuff. It’s designed to be a 3 day a week plan on purpose - recovery, weekly progression, etc.
Generally, rest as long as you need to, but not longer. Really though, generally enough to catch your breath and feel ready to go for the next set without interfering with performance.
Why? If it’s because of the thing about Testosterone levels dropping after an hour of training, that’s not entirely accurate. If it’s an issue with your own schedule, then it’s just an matter of hustling through the session as best you can.
Lots of different eating plans out there, depending a bit on how you’ve been eating. One general “plan” to consider: