[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
B Rock, you got a spending problem.[/quote]
He’s just doing his part as good american to spend money and get the economy moving.
And I’d use it on food. Make a trip to Sam/Costco and stock up on essentials.
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
B Rock, you got a spending problem.[/quote]
He’s just doing his part as good american to spend money and get the economy moving.
And I’d use it on food. Make a trip to Sam/Costco and stock up on essentials.
A bottle of whiskey and a cheap hooker. I might have enough left over for dinner at the Texas Roadhouse buffet.
I’m kidding… About Texas Roadhouse buffet.
No, I’m kidding. Probably one of those ‘super deluxe’ carwash and an ipod.
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Something for my wife. Maybe take her out to a fine restaurant in Philly.[/quote]
I never thought that “fine restaurant” and “philly” would ever show up in a sentence together…
JK dude, I’m really jealous. Great food in Socal only means “expensive.”
[quote]BradTGIF wrote:
Iron Dwarf wrote:
Something for my wife. Maybe take her out to a fine restaurant in Philly.
I never thought that “fine restaurant” and “philly” would ever show up in a sentence together…
JK dude, I’m really jealous. Great food in Socal only means “expensive.”[/quote]
lol! Yeah, well I could have said “fine restaurant” in “Jersey”, but it would have been more incredulous than Philly!
In all seriousness, Philly is reputed to have some of the finest restaurants in the US.
Another vote for a massage!!
B-rock spend it on a 12 step program to help you with your spending problem
I would use it along with my other money to help bribe my girlfriend for a MFF threesome
i didn’t know you could do fine dining for 2 with $100
[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
Lots of it
MMA Gloves and a pair of shorts
Another Vote For Booze !
[quote]tGunslinger wrote:
[quote]ucallthatbass wrote:
B-rock spend it on a 12 step program to help you with your spending problem[/quote]
you and lanky are teaming up on me.
hey, it’s birthday money fuckers! lol
last year i put it in my bank and paid bills. that was fucking lame.
Overlord II
Chinese buffet
take my car “across the bridge” to our sister city and have one of the home-grown car detailers pimp my ride.
then chinese buffet.
fuck i’m hungry.
[quote]Mpetty19 wrote:
I would use it along with my other money to help bribe my girlfriend for a MFF threesome :)[/quote]
How much are we talking here?
I hate to say it but id spend it on clothes right now. I’m redoing my “wardrobe” and donating all my old clothes to charity. Of course 100$ = two pairs of nice jeans, so it wouldn’t go far.
Put it towards the backpage fund.