[quote]S.T.P wrote:
thanks for the advice, i currently weigh bout 152 pounds, and im going to the gym 5 days a week, i think my routine needs a hand aswell
all exercises are 3 x 8-12, but i am considering 4 x 8 whats better?
monday:[/quote]Ok, Arm day. . . [quote]
biceps/triceps, usually 4 exercises on my biceps (curls, hammer curls, incline, preachers) and 3 on tri’s(Cable Pushdowns, lying extensions, overhead extensions) (mainly because my arms are tiny)
tuesday:[/quote]Chest/Back day . . .[quote]
pecs, back, 3 exercises on pecs(bench, incline dumbells, flyers), 3 on back (pulldowns, Dumbbell Rows, Cable Rows)
wednesaday: [/quote]Shoulders . . . [quote]
shoulders (military press, uprows, flyers ) and legs (calf raisers, leg press, sqauts), 3 on each, and then shrugs for traps
thursday: [/quote]Arm day again . . .[quote]
same as monday
friday:[/quote]Chest and back again . . [quote]
same as tuesday
Do you have legs? I do, and I work them out.