What to Eat to Gain Muscle?

[quote]S.T.P wrote:
thanks for the advice, i currently weigh bout 152 pounds, and im going to the gym 5 days a week, i think my routine needs a hand aswell

all exercises are 3 x 8-12, but i am considering 4 x 8 whats better?

monday:[/quote]Ok, Arm day. . . [quote]
biceps/triceps, usually 4 exercises on my biceps (curls, hammer curls, incline, preachers) and 3 on tri’s(Cable Pushdowns, lying extensions, overhead extensions) (mainly because my arms are tiny)

tuesday:[/quote]Chest/Back day . . .[quote]
pecs, back, 3 exercises on pecs(bench, incline dumbells, flyers), 3 on back (pulldowns, Dumbbell Rows, Cable Rows)

wednesaday: [/quote]Shoulders . . . [quote]
shoulders (military press, uprows, flyers ) and legs (calf raisers, leg press, sqauts), 3 on each, and then shrugs for traps

thursday: [/quote]Arm day again . . .[quote]
same as monday

friday:[/quote]Chest and back again . . [quote]
same as tuesday


Do you have legs? I do, and I work them out.

Eating that small of an amount for somebody is who sedentary is asking to loss weight in my opinion.

But working out 5 times a week. Jesus, I am surprised you even have the energy to workout. When I first started working out I was trying to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. Needless to say this failed. Anyways, I was trying to accomplish this through lifting and eating only 2000 kcals a day. Yah… I wasted a good 4 or 5 months.
You need to eat man. At only 150 pounds, why are you drinking skim milk??
Increase it to at least 1 or 2% for the extra kcals if you dont mind the taste. Mix milk, with 25 g protein powder at most, with peanut butter, and fruit of your choice. Dont take 40 g’s of protein, your body can’t even process that much anyways.
Get most of your kcals from whole food also. Dont rely on supplements, it is a mistake, trust me.

Also, just for grins check out the fdiet, I hear it works great for some people. :slight_smile:

Yes. I love it.

Send him to fantasy feeder. He will definitely learn how to eat there. Maybe he will become a part of their lifestyle and he will be calling us steroid freak medicare sponges soon too.

Steroid freak medicare sponges…

All I have to say to that is HAHA, that is freakin awsome.
Mind if I use it, or did you steal it off of somebody on fantasyfeeder?

[quote]DanErickson wrote:
Dont take 40 g’s of protein, your body can’t even process that much anyways.

Uhm, that’s simply untrue. Berardi dispelled this myth in the Sports Supplement Encyclopedia.

[quote]DanErickson wrote:
Dont take 40 g’s of protein, your body can’t even process that much anyways.

If this were true, most bodybuilders over 250lbs would have to eat more than 12 times a day to get the protein that so many claim, especially when dieting. There have been NO studies showing a specific cut off for how much protein can be absorbed in one sitting. Basic biology knowledge would lead most to believing that it would be based on metabolism and body size. Obviously an NFL lineman can probably absorb more protein in one sitting than the average 150lbs newbie on this site.

[quote]dhuge67 wrote:
DanErickson wrote:
Dont take 40 g’s of protein, your body can’t even process that much anyways.

Uhm, that’s simply untrue. Berardi dispelled this myth in the Sports Supplement Encyclopedia. [/quote]

In my opinion, common sense dispelled that myth before that.

[quote]conner wrote:
dhuge67 wrote:
DanErickson wrote:
Dont take 40 g’s of protein, your body can’t even process that much anyways.

Uhm, that’s simply untrue. Berardi dispelled this myth in the Sports Supplement Encyclopedia.

In my opinion, common sense dispelled that myth before that.[/quote]

You can’t honestly expect people to think for themselves. What a silly concept.

[quote]dhuge67 wrote:
DanErickson wrote:
Dont take 40 g’s of protein, your body can’t even process that much anyways.

Uhm, that’s simply untrue. Berardi dispelled this myth in the Sports Supplement Encyclopedia. [/quote]

Just because Berardi says something doesn’t make it so. There are still many other people that do not believe that.

[quote]DanErickson wrote:
dhuge67 wrote:
DanErickson wrote:
Dont take 40 g’s of protein, your body can’t even process that much anyways.

Uhm, that’s simply untrue. Berardi dispelled this myth in the Sports Supplement Encyclopedia.

Just because Berardi says something doesn’t make it so. There are still many other people that do not believe that.[/quote]

I could care less what Berardi has written. This is common sense to anyone who actually observes bodybuilding at all. To think the human body is that limited would have to be reserved to people who don’t even acknowledge the level of development some people are reaching.

I currently drink protein shakes with no less than 70gr of protein in each. There is simply nothing supporting what you stated and a shit load of observable huge mutherfuckers who would suggest you don’t know what you are talking about.

No, I don’t really know what I am talking about. All I know is my biology teacher told me so. She went to the university of waterloo for 4 years for biology, I don’t see a reason not to believe her. I am sure there is so logic in both her statement and yours.

Just understand, I am not a scientist so I can only go off of what I hear from people who are educated. You don’t have to jump all over me claiming that I don’t know anything as if it is something new.

[quote]DanErickson wrote:
No, I don’t really know what I am talking about. All I know is my biology teacher told me so. She went to the university of waterloo for 4 years for biology, I don’t see a reason not to believe her. I am sure there is so logic in both her statement and yours.

Just understand, I am not a scientist so I can only go off of what I hear from people who are educated. You don’t have to jump all over me claiming that I don’t know anything as if it is something new. [/quote]

Some of you need to check the name of the web site. You were challenged, not “jumped all over”. There’s a difference. My guess is your biology teacher hasn’t seen the inside of a gym since she was in high school. I was a biology major as well and that education simply got me “ready” to learn how the body really works. I had a nutritionist teaching a class filled with a group of future doctors inform us that high protein diets (over 10% of total intake) were potentially dangerous. She was obese. Don’t assume everyone knows what they are talking about just because they went to school. Experience is often the best teacher. It is also the greatest supplement to simple book knowledge.

[quote]DanErickson wrote:
<<< All I know is my biology teacher told me so. She went to the university of waterloo for 4 years for biology, I don’t see a reason not to believe her. >>>[/quote]

I do… now what? Should I purge if I accidentally ingest 41 grams of protein?

I dunno folks, the instinctive empirical tendencies that I once thought were part of human nature are rapidly being sacrificed on the altar of unquestioned authority to the point where somebody with a degree could propound the possibility of unaided human flight and people would jump off buildings flapping their arms.

[quote]Professor Pontification says:
Who ya gonna believe? Me or your lyin eyes?[/quote]

[quote]Professor X wrote:
DanErickson wrote:
No, I don’t really know what I am talking about. All I know is my biology teacher told me so. She went to the university of waterloo for 4 years for biology, I don’t see a reason not to believe her. I am sure there is so logic in both her statement and yours.

Just understand, I am not a scientist so I can only go off of what I hear from people who are educated. You don’t have to jump all over me claiming that I don’t know anything as if it is something new.

Some of you need to check the name of the web site. You were challenged, not “jumped all over”. There’s a difference. My guess is your biology teacher hasn’t seen the inside of a gym since she was in high school. I was a biology major as well and that education simply got me “ready” to learn how the body really works. I had a nutritionist teaching a class filled with a group of future doctors inform us that high protein diets (over 10% of total intake) were potentially dangerous. She was obese. Don’t assume everyone knows what they are talking about just because they went to school. Experience is often the best teacher. It is also the greatest supplement to simple book knowledge.

Nice post.

Your diet that you posted looks like one of those MENSHEALTH ab diets.
If you’re serious about putting on some muscle you’re going to have to eat 500 calories more on your rest days and probably more than 500 calories on workout days since you’ll be burning extra calories lifting weights. Settling for a pizza here and there won’t kill you, but make you stronger.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
DanErickson wrote:
No, I don’t really know what I am talking about. All I know is my biology teacher told me so. She went to the university of waterloo for 4 years for biology, I don’t see a reason not to believe her. I am sure there is so logic in both her statement and yours.

Just understand, I am not a scientist so I can only go off of what I hear from people who are educated. You don’t have to jump all over me claiming that I don’t know anything as if it is something new.

Some of you need to check the name of the web site. You were challenged, not “jumped all over”. There’s a difference. My guess is your biology teacher hasn’t seen the inside of a gym since she was in high school. I was a biology major as well and that education simply got me “ready” to learn how the body really works. I had a nutritionist teaching a class filled with a group of future doctors inform us that high protein diets (over 10% of total intake) were potentially dangerous. She was obese. Don’t assume everyone knows what they are talking about just because they went to school. Experience is often the best teacher. It is also the greatest supplement to simple book knowledge.
Thanks for your response Prof X.
Earlier today I was thinking about what you posted. I thought to myself that some of the studies of how people can only absorb so much protein may have been done on smaller people, sedentary people, sick people?
In realizing this I think that it would make sense that if somebody’s body was getting bigger. Particularly getting bigger with muscle, then it would make sense that their body would become able to absorb more protein then some other people’s.

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
DanErickson wrote:
<<< All I know is my biology teacher told me so. She went to the university of waterloo for 4 years for biology, I don’t see a reason not to believe her. >>>

I do… now what? Should I purge if I accidentally ingest 41 grams of protein?

I dunno folks, the instinctive empirical tendencies that I once thought were part of human nature are rapidly being sacrificed on the altar of unquestioned authority to the point where somebody with a degree could propound the possibility of unaided human flight and people would jump off buildings flapping their arms.

What you just said could be used to argue a point for both sides
ie) Prof X says he can absorb 70 grams of protein in one sitting. Therefore everybody is going to start thinking they can absorb 70 grams of protein in one sitting.


[quote]DanErickson wrote:
What you just said could be used to argue a point for both sides
ie) Prof X says he can absorb 70 grams of protein in one sitting. Therefore everybody is going to start thinking they can absorb 70 grams of protein in one sitting.

You are demonstrating reason in your response to Professor X, but the above doesn’t follow. Some guys who’s view is constantly re-formed by the last thing they read may do this, but sheer logic dictates that there is no set amount of any nutrient that is the ceiling for everybody. I mean this side of insanity. Nobody can use 500 grams in a sitting.

[quote]DanErickson wrote:

What you just said could be used to argue a point for both sides
ie) Prof X says he can absorb 70 grams of protein in one sitting. Therefore everybody is going to start thinking they can absorb 70 grams of protein in one sitting.


Why would “everybody” think this if we just discussed body size and metabolism? Stupid people are confused no matter what you write. If some 140lbs kid believes he can absorb 70gr of protein in one sitting because someone weighing twice what they do does it, do you blame the larger guy or the dumbass kid?

This is why few people go into great detail about how they eat all of the time. For one, it changes depending on the short term goal. Two, dumbasses take anything you write to stand for how you eat all of the time and that’s if they even understand it at all.

I had one guy in another thread imply that my diet was all fast food when I have written nothing even close to that in any thread. You can’t worry about how retards are going to take what you write all of the time. There are just too many of them.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
There are just too many of them.[/quote]

And so little time.