So i wrote a post that was a little lengthy before so I’ll seperate some questions.
I got carried away with a cycle that I started in November and was suppose to be a 2 weeker, that turned into a 4 weeker, that just ended April 24th- really by ending I mean down to 100mg/cyp p week and hGH 5iu e3D.
It started as prop 50mg eod for 2 weeks, felt good but nothing major (first time using prop) so I added in tren ace @ 50 mg eod also for another 2 weeks… strength went up and maybe 6 lbs of lean mass… not bad but not fulfilling… So I jumped on test cyp @ 500mg/wk while still taking the prop for another 2 weeks till I counted on the cyp to kick in… feeling good, another cpl lbs and decent strength continuing for another month but not happy yet. Realizing over the last 10 years of training and a cycle or two each year I always do 500 mg/wk so I decided to up it to 750mg/wk and that was the key. At 34, high stress, some AAS use, etc… my test levels are low so I figured it wouldnt hurt to stay on that dose, so I did till about March 12… using nolva and arimidex the whole time and two weeks of hcg in the middle. I tapered it down by 100mg/wk till I reached 100mg/wk which was April 24. I started hgh @ 2iu’s in the am mon-fri beginning of March and switched last week to BBB protocol of 5 iu’s e3d IM.
My question is - what do i do now? summer is here, its only been 14 days of 100mg a week and I’ve kept alot of strength so far, lost maybe 6 lbs but I want more. got my blood work done last week and everything is good except my CK, which I had a seperate post about. Do I start pct and come right off everything or raise test a bit and cruise or blast and be huge for summer?
That honestly depends on your goals man. We can’t advise you on what to do there. You have your own goals and motives. Most people don’t become infertile through blasting and cruising but if you start that you can expect to never come off. It is a very particular lifestyle you would have to be committed to. If you come off your test levels could probably come back up with pct if your body has fine vitamin d, zinc, and magnesium levels. And if they don’t you would get prescribed trt and then you could b&c on top of that. But I would talk to someone else for advise on B&C. If you have plans of coming off though I wouldn’t drag the cycle out any longer. Just my advice.
Last year I did a 14 weeker of test cyp and eq as a base and switched up anavar and fina enth throughout, I took 10 months off and my test stayed below avg. Even before that I did almost 3 years in Federal prison and came out with borderline avg test and low Vit D. I’m thinking my test levels will always be low anyways and I’ll be always wanting it. I still motocross, skydive, scubadive and all sorts of shit so I hate being soft and lethargic. But I do want more children, lol…
Give this a shot. It seems so under rated but I have not seen much evidence to the contrary. Post cycle, and take 10000 iu vitamin D. Give it like 6 months to a year and recheck your levels.
It took me a long time after my 3 stupid cycles. Granted not as much as you. But when I took the vitamin D and zinc and magnesium for a while I finally started getting morning wood after about 7-8 months off.
Up to you if you wanna come off
I will always be active, training and lifting will always be part of my lifestyle. I love being ‘on cycle’ obviously. Been thinking lately its not worth the crash anymore. I’m 34 now and in the end my activities do naturally make me lose weight. Even on this low test dose I feel great and I feel if I come right off my summer will be ruined
I don’t think one summer should gear your decision imho
It seems like you are already decided/leaning towards staying on. If all of your blood work is good then it’s really up to you. As far as CK goes you could limit your red meat intake to aid in bringing the CK down. I would also that if you do eventually intend to come off then sooner is better than later. The longer you stay on the more likely you are to end up on TRT.
If you are leaning toward that then you have to make the decision and go for it. Nobody else can make the decision for you. It’s your body. You could cruise through summer at which point based on the info you’ve given you’ll be ready to blast again (if not earlier), then not want to come off again… etc, etc. I guess what everyone is saying here is that you have to pull the trigger yourself. Not many people will actually say you SHOULD blast and cruise. They will say it’s up to you.
As a side note most cruise doses are 200-250. You could go to 200 for 6-8 weeks let your body have some rest then blast again although I think almost anyone on here would recommend a 8-10wk blast not 4-6 months. Assuming you chose this route.
It seems like you are already decided/leaning towards staying on. If all of your blood work is good then it’s really up to you. As far as CK goes you could limit your red meat intake to aid in bringing the CK down. I would also that if you do eventually intend to come off then sooner is better than later. The longer you stay on the more likely you are to end up on TRT.
If you are leaning toward that then you have to make the decision and go for it. Nobody else can make the decision for you. It’s your body. You could cruise through summer at which point based on the info you’ve given you’ll be ready to blast again (if not earlier), then not want to come off again… etc, etc. I guess what everyone is saying here is that you have to pull the trigger yourself.
Not many people will actually say you SHOULD blast and cruise. They will say it’s up to you.
As a side note most cruise doses are 200-250. You could go to 200 for 6-8 weeks let your body have some rest then blast again although I think almost anyone on here would recommend a 8-10wk blast not 4-6 months. Assuming you chose this route.
why not just stay on forever?
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
why not just stay on forever? [/quote]
…and the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened…
[quote]conservativedog wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
why not just stay on forever? [/quote]
…and the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened…
what does blasting and cruising have to do with knowing good and evil?
Op doesn’t seem to have what it takes to come off… im only suggesting the inevitable
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
[quote]conservativedog wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
why not just stay on forever? [/quote]
…and the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened…
what does blasting and cruising have to do with knowing good and evil?
Op doesn’t seem to have what it takes to come off…
im only suggesting the inevitable[/quote]
It struck me funny that you said forever. The temptation to do that is nearly always there.
It’s a big decision. The only thing keeping me on the fence is the lifetime of injections. Sometimes you just want a break from that, especially when travelling or after months and years of doing it.
[quote]JKriminal wrote:
It’s a big decision. The only thing keeping me on the fence is the lifetime of injections. Sometimes you just want a break from that, especially when travelling or after months and years of doing it. [/quote]
a lot of guys on trt shoot .5ml (or less) subq… gives them higher, more stable levels and less aromatization…
supposed to be rather comfortable too… I can live with that
Yes, I agree… Theres still a lot for me to learn I guess…