I am at a University right now. This costs money. My parent could pay for it easily and never feel anything. But she won’t. She could help me get a loan. But she won’t. She could apply for a loan and reject it so I could apply for one. But she won’t.
I am facing the prospects of having to leave school. I cannot find a part time job let alone a full time job in my area. I am not even allowed to come home this summer to live with my parents.
I know from experience that working at the types of jobs available to me will not even allow me to make enough money to support myself let alone go to school even part time.
I am very frustrated and I do not know what to do. I am not able to get any financial aid because my parent makes too much money. I will be considered a dependent of hers until I am 24 even though she provides 0 support. I have spoken with the head of finacial aid and corresponded with the president of our university’s office. There is nothing anyone can do. I cannot join the military for various reasons even.
What should I do. I have a place to stay tentatively for this spring and perhaps the summer. But I cannot find a job. I am still resentful that financial aid cannot and is not even willing to try and help me.
I have an administrator here at the university who is influential and trying to help me. he told me I needed to contact a lawyer and have a consultation with him/her first to determine the specifics of the laws this university is holding to.
I cannot afford a lawyer. Is there anyone here who is a lawyer who would be willing to pm me their phone number and would be willing to speak with this administrator regarding the situation just over the phone and speak with me first?
he thinks he might be able to get the aid office to listen but he said I need to find out exactly where I stand and what the precedents are. I have done a lot of research on my own and it doesn’t look good. But he said to get the advice of a real lawyer before I proceed with him.
Thank you very much.