So it’s 10:15 here and I’m right back to step 0. I don’t know what to do with my life.
Three weeks ago I started an Architecture major at Suffolk Community College. The classes are so boring, I expected to have some math in them(I don’t like math all that much) but even the ones without math are very boring, I just don’t see my-self doing that for the rest of my life.
The goal is to be a cop( but I have to wait three years for the next test) while having a “back-up” plan which is a degree in something.
I like nutrition, it’s a subject I would discuss for hours if given the opportunity but I’ve heard the pay is not the best. In reality I just want to do something I love to do.
It’s starting to get frustrating as I’m turning 20 soon and still no degree. Once again my main goal is to be a cop but education never hurts.
Sometimes I think of working and getting a house for investment sakes but that will take a while. Anyways this is sort of a call for help for some advice from the more experienced crowd.
If you have the opportunity to go to college right now, DO IT. If you are taking classes already, then just keep taking them. Yes college classes are boring, so are alot of jobs. Truth is, it doesn’t last very long, and the college lifestyle is actually pretty fun.
You can always become a cop after you graduate from college. I was going to go into the marine corps at 19 but my dad talked me out of it and I am now going to college. Best decision.
Do Music. It’s a good time. If you play/sing something, that is.
Just take some gen ed stuff. Like writing, basic college math, physical science, biology type crap. Stuff that transfers to a 4 year school, so you don’t have to do the gen ed crap again.
If you can’t figure anything out, there’s always business. That’s a good “back up plan.”
[quote]elano wrote:
If you have the opportunity to go to college right now, DO IT. If you are taking classes already, then just keep taking them. Yes college classes are boring, so are alot of jobs. Truth is, it doesn’t last very long, and the college lifestyle is actually pretty fun.
You can always become a cop after you graduate from college. I was going to go into the marine corps at 19 but my dad talked me out of it and I am now going to college. Best decision.[/quote]
yeah i agree, i was thinking of joining the navy as a nuke, or dive team. i talked to my grandfather, and his response was, the navy will always be there, but getting your education only gets harder as you get older, doing it now is the time to do it.
you just need that peice of paper bro, then go be a cop, or marine, or firefighter.
if you dont know what you want to be just pick something you can do anything with, like business or economics.
[quote]ronaldo7 wrote:
It’s starting to get frustrating as I’m turning 20 soon and still no degree. [/quote]
You know, it’s nice to have goals and all that, but you don’t need to get so caught up in numbers and time frames. Hell, I’m like 30 and still don’t have a degree. (At the same time, I don’t suggest anyone emulate and grow up like me.)
If you’re just taking classes to bide you your time until the next police testing, just take liberal arts or general studies. This will cover most general electives needed until you decide on an actual major. Or just take classes that interest you, without even worrying about a major.
If it’s that boring then swap courses - it’s still very early in the year so I wouldn’t have thought you’d have any problem.
Nutrition may not pay well, but does that really matter? If you are thrilled by the subject, do it.
Also think about this. Would you like to have a high paid job that you hate just so you can have plenty of cash in your pocket, or would you settle for less money, and waking up with a smile on your face because the job you will be doing thrills you?
do something like sports nutrition, or sports science. so what if the money aint good or the “market” is flooded. most ppl in this market are idiots who can do 20 toe taps with a football, are kind of ok in the pratical side but fucking retards when it comes to the theory side.
if you really like it, you will be really good at it and therefore get a good paying job.
aim for something like team nutrition or something. im sure that would be fun.
a physio that did work with us for awhile at school because he was an ex pupil was telling me about this. he went to uni and did sports science, then came out worked a few years in gyms and stuff. then wetn back into college and did a physio degree. he was told he was mad because of the debt and the fact there are no jobs etc etc. he got a first. got a job with Spurs (British football team) as a 3rd physio, within 2 years he was head physio. he worked there for 10 years and loved it. then he came home with his new wife and is now head physio of ulster rugby club. debt free, no mortgage. happiest guy ive met.
at the end of the day, aim for a happy, fulfilling life as opposed to a rich, unfulfilling life.
[quote]boyscout wrote:
Do Music. It’s a good time. If you play/sing something, that is.[/quote]
Not everyone is as talented as you, you sonofabitch.
Almost every college course will prove to be more disappointing than you expect. Sure, everything training related seems like great fun here but have you ever actually looked at a sports science book? If TC wrote articles on theoretical physics you’d probably want to do that. I’m not saying that architecture is for you but if you loved it, went to college and then loathed it then you’re not alone.
That said, if you are hell-bent on being a cop, pop down to your local and ask about degrees that are beneficial to have. The right course will speed your ascent through the force.
Finally, don’t even think about avoiding college. Sure, it will work well for some, but if an economic crisis looms and cutbacks are taking place it’s likely you’ll be one of them.
Thanks for the responses guys. Today I’m going to cancel my classes and will go back in the spring semester(I’m going to lose a whole lot of money but it’s a lesson to learn for picking something I don’t love). I will work my job for now and re-search more on the types of careers I want. Maybe nutrition or something that has to do with training.
I like the idea of picking classes that I’m interested in so I will also look into that.
Doesn’t matter what you do just get a degree now! Don’t put it off, like me until you’re in your 30’s with a house and bills. Night classes suck and it’s way harder doing it once you have other things to worry about. Get a degree in PE, it really doesn’t matter most people with degrees don’t ever even use them so really about anything will do.
Ha, I’m going to suffolk community college right now and I am taking a two year fitness specialist course, doing the honors program as well. I have nutrition classes and human performance classes. Gym classes next semester and it’s pretty interesting. I’m not sure what I want to do exactly with my life but I’m taking the core classes as well and then eventually will figure that out. But being a PT on the side will be worth it for me at least.
Don’t worry I’m 6 credits from graduating and still don’t know what I’m doing with my life. Few people actually do know for sure what they wanna do.
At least you are realizing early that you don’t want to do architecture…I waited til after my sophomore year to decide I didn’t wanna do business and switched to bio because I basically felt the same way you do (interested in nutrition, training etc)