What is The Safest Steroid?

This is not impossible to answer. The steroid with the FEWEST side-effects is oxandrolone. This is the closest that scientists have gotten to making a completely anabolic, with a nearly zero androgenic profile.

Read some of the literature when oxandrolone first came out. VAR happens to be very good for strength athletes in gaining appreciable amounts of strength without gaining too much weight and shutting down the endocrine system. I would say deca but it is too suppressive.

Primo is for the birds and test (to actually see any results) definitely has side-effects. You can take VAR at 80mg/d (which is about as high as you would want to go) and have minimal side-effects. The imperfection of this steroid is that it is an 17a-alky and therefore cannot be taken for much longer than 6 to 8 weeks safely.