What is Stanozolol?

Has anyone ever heared of this? a friend of mine has been given a 10ml vial of stanazolol and i was concerned because this name isnt fermiliar to me can ne more experienced users help me out on this?

one word… “google”

Throw it away.

If you don’t even know what it is, best you keep away from it.

[quote]rsg wrote:
Throw it away.

If you don’t even know what it is, best you keep away from it.[/quote]

Well i dont take steroids so basically i dont know what most things are but its my m8s gear and i doubt hes gonna throw it away all i wanted to know is if neone has heared of it before but i should of realized that i wouldnt get any useful posts from here, but thanks to the other guy i didnt realize steroid info would come up on a google search.

Judging from your post, I’d say you and your mate are, what, somewhere around 16 years old? He’s gonna fuck himself up if he messes with steroids now; tell him to at least have the smarts to wait until he’s done with puberty. He’s looking at serious life-long consequences if he uses now.



Here’s a link from searching on T-Nation. Short answer: It’s Winstrol aka “Winny”, one of the most common compounds. If your buddy is planning a cycle with it, it’s important to get him to do his research.

cheers fella exactly what i was looking for.

[quote]vegeta4u wrote:
i should of realized that i wouldnt get any useful posts from here, but thanks to the other guy i didnt realize steroid info would come up on a google search.[/quote]

you got a plenty useful post, the fact that you didn’t google it (or wikipedia, actual write up there) when told to shows that you want someone to do the work for you.

the internet is the main reason there is good info available on steroids, steroids are all the rage (or at least speculation and fear mongering about it) so why would one not find info on google?

Its a fuel additive, I put it in my gremlin when I want more gofast.

[quote]strongwall wrote:
Its a fuel additive, I put it in my gremlin when I want more gofast.[/quote]

Just don’t do it after midnight :slight_smile: