What Gains Did You Make

[quote]tpepper88 wrote:
Mega Newb wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
Mega Newb wrote:
You did not reach anywhere near close to your genetic limit, you just didnt work hard enough. Steroids are not to make up for lack of effort naturally.

Just thought I would say that.

Being an abusive wanker doesn’t make you seem wise.

Just thought I would say that.

You have no idea of the guys’ pre-steroid natural hormone levels, body type, nervous system or metabolism, so before you come in here shooting your mouth off, you might pause to consider that at 6’2" and 320 lbs, not everybody is like you when it comes to putting on muscle (or fat?).

Also, since you have no idea how hard this guy trains, how dare you preach like that.


He benched 300 at 180 in high school, his hormones are fine, everyone has excuses. So cut the shit, this inst excuse-nation.

Who do you think I am? Im not your cousin or your friend or some dipshit that doesnt know what he is talking about. I have put in my share of hard work and made gains, suffered through shit that none of you would to achieve what I have.

And I have seen people half ass and made shitty gains in the same time frame that I have been training. I know what people are capable of and I know what they arent. There are exceptions to the rule but this is not one of them.

He said him self that as soon as he changed his style of training his lifts went way up, he said that his legs didnt grow from going from a 315x12 squat up to a 650 squat (which Im sure they did somewhat). And he said he is making gains naturally now (which completely proves my point).

I was right about what I said, could I have put it nicer? Yeah, but I dont have to. It might make me a asshole to get annoyed at this but it but it would make all of T-Nation assholes to get annoyed at squat rack curlers or the 100lb guys who make rate my physique threads.

If I offended anyone, suck it up. Or go some where else where people will suck your cock and whisper sweet things in your ear while you tell them about your excuses and how that mean mega newb guy said you weren’t trying hard enough.

If being a asshole, who is right, is my crime. Then I can live with it.

I think your posts in this thread have answered the question about whether you’re ready for gear. You do not even possess the maturity to post your thoughts without getting all pissy, so steroids are out of the question. [/quote]

First off, I never asked if I was ready for gear. Maybe you should get your eyes checked. I asked what the effects were on a 18 year old body. I just turned 17 so it would be anywhere from 1-2 years from now. And even then I didnt say I would take steroids, I was simply doing research, dumbass.


Looking at your journal you aren’t in the position to tell me what I am or am not ready to do. You decline bench 185x10x3 at 255lbs, and you are taking steroids? Damn that is sad, feel free to never post again.

I can do this all day guys, feel free to continue crying because I was mean WHEN I SAID THE TRUTH. Its funny.

[quote]Mega Newb wrote:
If being a asshole, is my crime. Then I can live with it.

If you’re this much of an asshole natural, I’d hate to see you on cycle, if you ever choose to. I’d suggest staying away from Tren, Halotestin, and Masteron, which unfortunately are the better strength drugs. :slight_smile:

Well, you just are shitting on members that could help you, keep shitting on them and they will laugh at you when you have cycle problems. Go on, make fun of people more.

[quote]Thewannabe wrote:
Well, you just are shitting on members that could help you, keep shitting on them and they will laugh at you when you have cycle problems. Go on, make fun of people more.[/quote]

If people dont want to help me thats fine, there is more than 1 site on the internet where steroids are discussed.

By the time Im old enough to take steroids we will all probably have forgotten about this anyway.

Okay that was nice, fuck me? fuck me? are you sure? You in fact don’t know me. You should act like your name implies, a newb and shut the fuck up and merely listen and not speak. To answer your question, and waste my time with a child, I do gain fat but I minimize it through my diet. I find it that I get alot more ass when I have abs instead of a fucking gut and man tits. You don’t know me, you don’t know none of us but yet you mouth off like a child acting like you are some sort of authority, like you are some sort of model example. I hate people like you, a fucking Sophist, you think you know but your own pride or youthful bravado won’t let you see that in reality you don’t know shit. You are nothing, but a fat guy that makes himself feel better about being a fat ass by lifting heavy weights. You showed me no respect and I will do the same: Fuck you.

Why don’t you repost this and tell people to not rip apart other people’s posts?

The only person who answered this thread for it’s intended purpose has become the focal point. Why you people care about him so much? You hardly know anything about him, but want to thrash on him and argue amongst yourselves.

This is not masculinity, this more resembles the ugly side of femininity. This board/site/community is about men. Act like it.

I agree I refuse to post my own exp with this imbecile running wild. I care enough about Sap because he cared enough to give me advice.

[quote]Growing_Boy wrote:
Okay that was nice, fuck me? fuck me? are you sure? You in fact don’t know me. You should act like your name implies, a newb and shut the fuck up and merely listen and not speak. To answer your question, and waste my time with a child, I do gain fat but I minimize it through my diet. I find it that I get alot more ass when I have abs instead of a fucking gut and man tits. You don’t know me, you don’t know none of us but yet you mouth off like a child acting like you are some sort of authority, like you are some sort of model example. I hate people like you, a fucking Sophist, you think you know but your own pride or youthful bravado won’t let you see that in reality you don’t know shit. You are nothing, but a fat guy that makes himself feel better about being a fat ass by lifting heavy weights. You showed me no respect and I will do the same: Fuck you. [/quote]

I literally got half way through this and remembered your stats, and that you were 19, on steroids, and havent put a lb on your bench in a year and laughed out load.

If you want any tips on lifting shoot me a PM chief.

[quote]Growing_Boy wrote:
Okay that was nice, fuck me? fuck me? are you sure? You in fact don’t know me. You should act like your name implies, a newb and shut the fuck up and merely listen and not speak. To answer your question, and waste my time with a child, I do gain fat but I minimize it through my diet. I find it that I get alot more ass when I have abs instead of a fucking gut and man tits. You don’t know me, you don’t know none of us but yet you mouth off like a child acting like you are some sort of authority, like you are some sort of model example. I hate people like you, a fucking Sophist, you think you know but your own pride or youthful bravado won’t let you see that in reality you don’t know shit. You are nothing, but a fat guy that makes himself feel better about being a fat ass by lifting heavy weights. You showed me no respect and I will do the same: Fuck you. [/quote]

ok I read it all now, lol, dude dont cry because your weak and small as hell even tho unnatural.

If I dieted (which to help you out we will say it would take a year) I would be way bigger, stronger, leaner, and younger AND NATURAL.

LOL, Im not a fat guy, Im a fat kid, who out lifts and has more muscle mass than everyone who has tryed to talk shit to me (while these people are on steroids lol).

Bro, I shit on you. Give up.

i just done a all oral cycle wich was also my first it was 3 weeks of d-bol at 35 mg then 3 weeks of anadrol the first week at 50 mg and the next two at 100 mg and finished it off with 10 days of clomid and gained almost twenty pound and pushed an extra twenty kilos by the end of the 6 weeks as i said this was my first cycle so would appreciate any feedback on this

[quote]Mega Newb wrote:
juice20jd wrote:
Mega Newb…6’2" and 320 is literally impossible to attain and remain lean without massive amounts of gear and growth. so…since your profile says that you are indeed that size, and also says you’re only 17 years old…

we must throw out the gear assumption, and assume you are a big fat fuck who lifts. for some big and strong is great, but people who wish to bodybuild for aesthetics and size at the same time don’t wish to follow your path…looking like baby huey.

your numbers in your profile are also tough to believe for a natural lifter who is 17 and only lifting 3 years. i’m sure most would concur with me.

so chill out on the flaming and bullshit posts kid, because you can easily be the focus of similar personal abuse, as seen above.

get it?

and now…back to the original topic please folks

You think I seriously care if you, or anyone else doesnt think Im natural? I have had that shit so much I see it as a compliment now.

Dont make me laugh, there is nothing that YOU or anyone else who has posted can say to insult me. Im used to being called fat by douche bags online who are way older, been training way longer, and way weaker and smaller than me, being unnatural just makes it that much better. So your not gonna offend me.

you missed the point fucktard. you’re insulting folks for no good reason beyond your own insecurities and ego boosting. you have hijacked a decent thread with your shit.

are you really this stupid?! your lifts are PL lifts, and yes I’ve seen the youtube vids. good for you, they are good lifts. that is your goal, powerlifting. aesthetics obviously do not matter to someone with your goals. other people have different goals, and you’re a fucking douchebag for flaming them.

who the fuck are you to shit on someone for “only” benching 400 at way less bodyweight than you. for working in higher rep ranges which don’t really promote maximal strength gains and pushing your numbers higher. to do the things necessary to look good…be muscular AND lean AND strong. to shit on their chosen path. you have zero right. it just makes you look like an assclown.

this is wasted breath…i should be writing this in crayon so you understand and its on your level.

fuck off.

Small and weak? You don’t know me. You don’t know my work ethic. You don’t know anything. Enough with this idiot. Give up because I’m small and weak. Idiot, we bodybuild we could care less with lifting 500lbs for one fucking rep. I’m fine repping out the 100lbers for 12. It gets the job done. You are no one, not even a piece of shit, to tell us what to do. Your advice falls on deaf ears. I don’t care how much muscle mass you claim to have more than so and so. I have never cycled AAS but I have exp with its precursors, I’m sure most know that. I’ll say it again, you are a fat fuck that heavy lifts weights to be worth a shit and not feel sorry about yourself, knows nothing but considers himself wiser than most. Dude your 320 at 17. Unless you have Coleman’s genes you’re one morbidly obese piece of shit. I don’t care how much you lift, you are fat and obviously unhappy. Lose some weight and grow up. If you need help with your weightloss call up Jenny Craig, or join Curves, and while you’re at it fuck off.

oh hiya ego’s.

bushidobadboy wrote:

Hey man, if you start your own seperate thread, we can give it the attention it deserves.

ok cool kinda new here just getting to grips with it

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:

I didn’t realise you are 17, and 320lbs. That explains a lot about your childish attitude, my bad.



[quote]juice20jd wrote:

you missed the point fucktard. you’re insulting folks for no good reason beyond your own insecurities and ego boosting. you have hijacked a decent thread with your shit.

are you really this stupid?! your lifts are PL lifts, and yes I’ve seen the youtube vids. good for you, they are good lifts. that is your goal, powerlifting. aesthetics obviously do not matter to someone with your goals. other people have different goals, and you’re a fucking douchebag for flaming them.

who the fuck are you to shit on someone for “only” benching 400 at way less bodyweight than you. for working in higher rep ranges which don’t really promote maximal strength gains and pushing your numbers higher. to do the things necessary to look good…be muscular AND lean AND strong. to shit on their chosen path. you have zero right. it just makes you look like an assclown.

this is wasted breath…i should be writing this in crayon so you understand and its on your level.

fuck off.


How I look doesn’t matter to me? I have more muscle than anyone here, in case you didn’t know, squatting 700 gives you big legs. Deadlifting 700 for reps gives you a big back, and benching mid 400’s gives you a big upper body.

Just because I took the fast way to put on muscle because I didn’t want to be 30 before I had any size doesn’t mean I don’t care about aesthetics.

I didnt flame anyone for their goals! So don’t make shit up, if someone has the goal to be big and strong and instead they are small and weak, and blame it on reaching their natural limit. I will tell them they are an idiot and they never hit their natural limit and that they are just making excuses.

First off, I didnt insult anyone for ONLY benching 400lbs, GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT. I didnt insult anyone for their goals, GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT.

And I didnt insult anyone for doing what it takes be be lean and look good, so wise the fuck up and stop posting shit that didnt happen.

To be lean and look good 1, you dont have to be small, 2 you dont have to be weak, and 3 you dont have to be on gear or talk about how you reached your natural limit.

All I did was be mean when I told you guys how it is, have a cry in your pillow if you dont like it. I could have done it nicer, but I DONT HAVE TO. Call me mean, or a asshole, or immature all day but at the end of the day Im right, and still making progress.

You really think Im stupid? I said before in this thread, Im not your cousin or your friend who you can bullshit. I stand beside or ahead of everyone here as far as knowledge about lifting, diet, and progress. So you can put your crayons away, unless of course you want me to jot down a training program for you.

By the way, cut the high rep to get big bullshit, I can train with sets of 5 and make more progress size wise as everyone here, especially if I was on steroids.

[quote]Growing_Boy wrote:
Small and weak? You don’t know me. You don’t know my work ethic. You don’t know anything. Enough with this idiot. Give up because I’m small and weak. Idiot, we bodybuild we could care less with lifting 500lbs for one fucking rep. I’m fine repping out the 100lbers for 12. It gets the job done. You are no one, not even a piece of shit, to tell us what to do. Your advice falls on deaf ears. I don’t care how much muscle mass you claim to have more than so and so. I have never cycled AAS but I have exp with its precursors, I’m sure most know that. I’ll say it again, you are a fat fuck that heavy lifts weights to be worth a shit and not feel sorry about yourself, knows nothing but considers himself wiser than most. Dude your 320 at 17. Unless you have Coleman’s genes you’re one morbidly obese piece of shit. I don’t care how much you lift, you are fat and obviously unhappy. Lose some weight and grow up. If you need help with your weightloss call up Jenny Craig, or join Curves, and while you’re at it fuck off. [/quote]

Your small and weak, your work ethic is I dont wana gain excess fat so Il just take steroids at 19. In other words your work ethic sucks cock.

Im nothing? For the 16-17 age group I squat 155lbs over the record, bench like 30lbs over the bench record, and deadlift 75lbs over the record for reps with lifting straps. Are you the best bodybuilder for your age group? Are you the strongest for your age group? Are you anything other than someone who should be asking me for advice on training? The answer is no.

Im far from morbidly obese, if you saw me you would never think I was 320. - YouTube Im actually very small (fat wise) for a 320lb 17 year old. And if anyone in this thread was 320lbs I WOULD be leaner than them.

Im perfectly happy, and remember, my fat is nothing a diet couldnt fix. Considering Im still natural, and 17, its safe to say that I can definitely lose weight. It will be a sad day for you then the (mean asshole imature fat kid) beats you at every aspect of lifting.

[quote]Mega Newb wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:

I didn’t realise you are 17, and 320lbs. That explains a lot about your childish attitude, my bad.



juice20jd wrote:

you missed the point fucktard. you’re insulting folks for no good reason beyond your own insecurities and ego boosting. you have hijacked a decent thread with your shit.

are you really this stupid?! your lifts are PL lifts, and yes I’ve seen the youtube vids. good for you, they are good lifts. that is your goal, powerlifting. aesthetics obviously do not matter to someone with your goals. other people have different goals, and you’re a fucking douchebag for flaming them.

who the fuck are you to shit on someone for “only” benching 400 at way less bodyweight than you. for working in higher rep ranges which don’t really promote maximal strength gains and pushing your numbers higher. to do the things necessary to look good…be muscular AND lean AND strong. to shit on their chosen path. you have zero right. it just makes you look like an assclown.

this is wasted breath…i should be writing this in crayon so you understand and its on your level.

fuck off.

How I look doesn’t matter to me? I have more muscle than anyone here, in case you didn’t know, squatting 700 gives you big legs. Deadlifting 700 for reps gives you a big back, and benching mid 400’s gives you a big upper body.

Just because I took the fast way to put on muscle because I didn’t want to be 30 before I had any size doesn’t mean I don’t care about aesthetics.

I didnt flame anyone for their goals! So don’t make shit up, if someone has the goal to be big and strong and instead they are small and weak, and blame it on reaching their natural limit. I will tell them they are an idiot and they never hit their natural limit and that they are just making excuses.

First off, I didnt insult anyone for ONLY benching 400lbs, GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT. I didnt insult anyone for their goals, GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT.

And I didnt insult anyone for doing what it takes be be lean and look good, so wise the fuck up and stop posting shit that didnt happen.

To be lean and look good 1, you dont have to be small, 2 you dont have to be weak, and 3 you dont have to be on gear or talk about how you reached your natural limit.

All I did was be mean when I told you guys how it is, have a cry in your pillow if you dont like it. I could have done it nicer, but I DONT HAVE TO. Call me mean, or a asshole, or immature all day but at the end of the day Im right, and still making progress.

You really think Im stupid? I said before in this thread, Im not your cousin or your friend who you can bullshit. I stand beside or ahead of everyone here as far as knowledge about lifting, diet, and progress. So you can put your crayons away, unless of course you want me to jot down a training program for you.

By the way, cut the high rep to get big bullshit, I can train with sets of 5 and make more progress size wise as everyone here, especially if I was on steroids.


scroll back through your first few posts. everything in there can be interpreted the way i did way based on your tone and arrogance. it looks like you are mocking people. plain and simple.

other people make progress. other people have knowledge. you are not the end all and be all of this lifting universe, so maybe you should chill out and accept and acknowledge those facts. you just look like a pissed off teen in most of your posts here…the first of which in this thread was off topic and flat out uncalled for. is that so hard to see?

again, different people have different goals. different people take different paths to those goals and have different learning experiences. don’t piss on people for sharing them. you show no respect for anyone here because you think your way is best. which although you make progress in poundages…some people don’t like looking the way you do…which IS NOT aesthetically pleasing. it’s not a tough concept.

if you thought the comments you made with the second response to this topic (and most others)…which is now lost because of you…would not elicit a negative response from most posters on this forum, then you are afflicted with mental disabilites.

you do make progress it seems, and thats great. truly it is, and no one should discredit those acheivements. but you come across like you are belittling the progress of others, and thats a load of shit. is that another tough concept to comprehend? anyone who goes to the gym and works deserves some respect.

keep your crayons…maybe you can use them to write “mega newb was here” on the gym wall after you are finished throwing the equipment around like a wannabe badass in your video…

people here can and will help you when you are ready for AAS…as long as your attitude changes…cause you know fuck all about AAS compared to EVERYONE in here, and could learn a lot from all of them. but coming in to this forum and spewing verbal diarrhea which knocks down others while trying to put yourself on high ain’t the way to make an impression.

i officially retire from this thread.