What Do You Think About My Physique?

Im 21 191 90kg and 7% bf

what do you think i can improve to look better? thx for reply

Just a wild guess, legs?

will upload some photos of leggs and progress this afternoon

I would say everything needs work, but that’s just my opinion. You’re really small. Which is fine, you’re also young. But if I were you, I’d be less concerned with being ultra lean and more concerned with actually putting on some muscle.

when 15
when 21

Seriously do you think for be nattty is little?

Impressive progress!

Maybe work on that super blurry face? :wink:

Jokes aside, as Magnumd mentioned I’d be curious to see legs / leg progress.

will be fun but i never make photo of my leggs will do xD but at start they werre like my torso so xD

photo from other lights to see my physique better pd: im 190cm tall so is hard to be very big for me xD


but tremendous progress over the last 6 years, good work.

You need way more chest.