[quote]Vicomte wrote:
apple computers.
I hate apple computers so much. Only tools buy them. My passionate hate is so great that it is actually unbelievable.
[quote]Vicomte wrote:
apple computers.
I hate apple computers so much. Only tools buy them. My passionate hate is so great that it is actually unbelievable.
haters, people who order take out the size of a holiday dinner for lunch at work and complain LOUDLY about being fat. shutupprettyplease
[quote]jasmincar wrote:
I hate people who values themselves by personnal possessions and work.
I hate people who tells me how I should live my live
I hate people who hate hippies
I hate people who think you are a waste of space if you are not productive. A rationnal being is an end by itself
I hate people who don’t give a shit about serious music
I hate people who own cellphones [/quote]
Hippie bastard.
[quote]jasmincar wrote:
I hate people who values themselves by personnal possessions and work.
I hate people who tells me how I should live my live
I hate people who hate hippies
I hate people who think you are a waste of space if you are not productive. A rationnal being is an end by itself
I hate people who don’t give a shit about serious music
I hate people who own cellphones [/quote]
I hate people who say that being productive is not necessary to compensate for their laziness.
People who don’t say “please” or “thank you”.
[quote]Christine wrote:
People who don’t say “please” or “thank you”.
People who say them too much.
Everyone. Undoubtedly someone of every race/color/creed has been a piece of shit and pissed me off at some point. There are lots of inconsiderate fucks out there.
I hate people who hate everyone.
HAHA! HA! haha… See what I did there?
I hate this girl with hairy legs and armpits that rejected me about a week ago. Don’t ask.
People who use lol----i mean are you really laughing out loud—if so then go ahead and put lol
People who only critisise because they can’t live up to one or any of your accomplishments
[quote]ukrainian wrote:
jasmincar wrote:
I hate people who values themselves by personnal possessions and work.
I hate people who tells me how I should live my live
I hate people who hate hippies
I hate people who think you are a waste of space if you are not productive. A rationnal being is an end by itself
I hate people who don’t give a shit about serious music
I hate people who own cellphones
I hate people who say that being productive is not necessary to compensate for their laziness.[/quote]
I hate people who think not working is being lazy. Working on yourself is all but lazy
I hate people who thinks life is meant to work and not work is meant to live
I hate that ideology that most Americans have.
[quote]prospa7 wrote:
perez faggot hilton, not just cuz he’s a gay, but he’s also got the most uesless “career” in existence[/quote]
Who doesn’t!!
Cause funny shit just recently happened Perez faggot hilton got bitch slapped by the black eyed peas’ manager b/c that fag was talking too much shit about the group.
Hilton’s video response…haha
[quote]jasmincar wrote:
ukrainian wrote:
jasmincar wrote:
I hate people who values themselves by personnal possessions and work.
I hate people who tells me how I should live my live
I hate people who hate hippies
I hate people who think you are a waste of space if you are not productive. A rationnal being is an end by itself
I hate people who don’t give a shit about serious music
I hate people who own cellphones
I hate people who say that being productive is not necessary to compensate for their laziness.
I hate people who think not working is being lazy. Working on yourself is all but lazy
I hate people who thinks life is meant to work and not work is meant to live
I hate that ideology that most Americans have.
“Working on yourself…”
Here is your life story: He chilled in his mom’s garage all day lifting weights, working on himself. On the weekends went to anti-war protests. He didn’t have a job, but mom had plenty of money so he was pretty well fed.
[quote]krazykoukides wrote:
I hate people who get pissed about the price of cigarettes, buy them, say they should quit, and then come back the next day , buy them, and say the same thing. Just fucking quit.
And don’t jump on me for that and say how hard it is to quit. I dip (more addictive and harder to quit then cigarettes). I know. I’m just saying… if you’re gonna say you should quit… then fucking quit and don’t whine at me about the prices! It gets old real fast when I have 50 people telling me this every day. yes. I get it. Cigarettes are expensive. Boo hoo. Quit like you say you will.
Or , actually, keep killing yourself and giving me the cigarette sales. You’re just making me money. I don’t care. Just don’t complain. I don’t make the prices.
Addiction is a mental disease. Or something only pussies get, either way. I have chewed tobacco, dipped, smoked, sniffed, etc. almost all forms of tobacco. I have also not touched tobacco for six months at a time. People who can not stop are just fucking weak.
[quote]jasmincar wrote:
ukrainian wrote:
jasmincar wrote:
I hate people who values themselves by personnal possessions and work.
I hate people who tells me how I should live my live
I hate people who hate hippies
I hate people who think you are a waste of space if you are not productive. A rationnal being is an end by itself
I hate people who don’t give a shit about serious music
I hate people who own cellphones
I hate people who say that being productive is not necessary to compensate for their laziness.
I hate people who think not working is being lazy. Working on yourself is all but lazy
I hate people who thinks life is meant to work and not work is meant to live
I hate that ideology that most Americans have.
I hate Hippie Canadians.
Bloodthirsty Canadians I wholeheartedly approve of.
[quote]Mettahl wrote:
jasmincar wrote:
ukrainian wrote:
jasmincar wrote:
I hate people who values themselves by personnal possessions and work.
I hate people who tells me how I should live my live
I hate people who hate hippies
I hate people who think you are a waste of space if you are not productive. A rationnal being is an end by itself
I hate people who don’t give a shit about serious music
I hate people who own cellphones
I hate people who say that being productive is not necessary to compensate for their laziness.
I hate people who think not working is being lazy. Working on yourself is all but lazy
I hate people who thinks life is meant to work and not work is meant to live
I hate that ideology that most Americans have.
“Working on yourself…”
Here is your life story: He chilled in his mom’s garage all day lifting weights, working on himself. On the weekends went to anti-war protests. He didn’t have a job, but mom had plenty of money so he was pretty well fed.[/quote]
Yeah I agree that whole personnal development thing is bullshit.
Do your job and do it right. After work you watch TV. On weekend you go to bars. Dont try no thinking and shut the fuck up.
i hate ignorance, because no matter what you may do to stop or prevent it you will always lose, there can always build a better idiot and those that argue with idiots inevitably get dragged down to their level and are then beaten with experience.
Bleach blondes
Fake lips
Hummers and their snooty owners
Dead-beat dads
Smokers who think the world is their ashtray
White trash and red necks
Video games and people who spend all day playing them
Self-help books by TV evangelists
Sports team jerseys worn by non-team members
Cammo clothing of all kinds (unless you’re in the military or hunting)
Too much perfume or cologne
Chunky shoes
Poor pronunciation and grammar
Most doctors
Abusive husbands, fathers, pet owners
People who place money above all else
Wussies who need a pill for any “ailment” they’re “suffering” from
Pro-war cowards who never volunteered to serve in their lives
People who call themselves vegetarians, yet they don’t even eat vegetables
Hypocrites of all kinds
[quote]SeanParent wrote:
Fat girls…I really really hate fat girls[/quote]
No shit dude. Bars and clubs should take a hint from airlines and make fat chicks pay double for everything.