[quote]lixy wrote:
Sloth wrote:
lixy wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Neuromancer wrote:
I really just cannot understand what they hope to gain.Every action of this sort just strengthens the resolve of the West.
“Resolve?” Heh. The West is tripping over itself to lose. And I’m of the mind that US would do best to watch it’s borders and let the rest of the “West” worry about the dysfunctional middle-east. Pfft, resolve. Maybe if we were talking about fighting for enviromentalism, establishing multiculturalism, and protecting the civil rights of enemy combatants (to the extent that our own citizens enjoy)…yeah, we have resolve in those areas. We have the resolve to be a materialistic, soft, aging, and self gratification seeking population. But to win against a foe filled with a “warrior spirit?” Hah!
You do realize Neuro was probably talking about “the resolve” to defend freedom of expression, right?
Ok…You need to point this out, why?
Because you wrote “the West is tripping over itself to lose” which is clearly not the case. Denmark will not stand for this terrorism shit and you know it. You then go into a rant about the evils of environmentalism, civil rights and multiculturalism and try to spin this into some sort of civilizations’ clash.
In other words, you attacked Neuro’s truism by erecting, yet again, a giant strawman.[/quote]
It’s not the case? Denmark will not stand for it? Uh-oh, look out Islamists! Denmark and the West don’t have the resolve, period. And, earth to Lixy, it is a clash of civilizations. Religiously inspired zealots clashing with the soft, decadent, “we’re so sorry, we don’t meant to offend. And we probably brought it upon ourselves” west. In the long run, I have my money on the Islamists. The West no longer has the warrior spirit and fortitude for anything outside of court trials, marches, and candle light vigils.