Im in school now, graduating in May with a degree in finance and marketing. Ive had two internships, one with Merrill and another with General Electric. I have the option to go back to them and I have a interview with UBS to become a financial advisor…So with things looking bright, why am I bored and frustrated?
Fuck the 9-5, fuck the late nights at work, fuck the bosses. (My school is a co-op school, meaning for 6 months im in school and the other 6 months working. Right now Im working.) I hate keeping my mouth shut when I disagree with someone at work. I hate hearing people speak about themselves to feed their ego.
I hate having to tlk to upper management, being fake, trying to play politics. I hate hearing…in 10 years anthony you can be a leader in the business just as long as you bust your ass for the shareholders working 70+hr weeks, traveling from country to country with no time for your time for yourself.while working for “The Man”…I hate working for security…
“Theres no security when you live at the will of another man”, my pops says…Pure entrepreneur he is…At one time he was worth 8 digits, now hes trying to get back there…
I guess this is a rant on how I hate working for security, but growing up poor scared the shit outta me and I dont want to end up like my pops…But again he is his own man doing his own thing.
In utopia, I would man up, take the bull by the horns and start my own company…Work for myself, and for my loved ones…Use my mind to create wealth in my pocket, not for a BASE SALARY.
I gotta figure out what the fuck it is that I want… But the funny thing is I know what it is…Ive just been to pussy to do it.
Its time to let the balls drop, take a risk and do what I feel deep in me…Its time to trust my instinct.