Last year was the Clark Kent one, easy as I have glasses anyway and all you need is a Superman T shirt.
[quote]fivefeetoffury wrote:
I was thinking of dressing up as my World of Warcraft character, a Night Elf, do a little cosplay, you know [/quote]
Nerds everywhere just died from too much awesome.
I was a school boy last year and my gf was a sexy nerd. My costume had shorts shorter then the guy from Reno 911, white button down, a short tie, red suspenders, and a fedora. My gal was wearin a short plaid dress glasses (with bandaid), and a ruler in 4 inch heels.
The best costume I saw last year was a bunch of guys that had stolen grocery carts and turned them into mario kart cars and dressed up as the various characters from mario kart with the ballons tied up overhead like the battle mode.
Also saw a guy as a giant cat post.
We’re still trying to figure out what to do this year.
Oops, I really wish when we edit a post here we can edit the pic (or fix the lack of one!)
[quote]fivefeetoffury wrote:
I was thinking of dressing up as my World of Warcraft character, a Night Elf, do a little cosplay, you know [/quote]
That would look awesome and you could so pull it off. I’m not into cosplay much but you create a strong case for it.
[quote]Nards wrote:
Oops, I really wish when we edit a post here we can edit the pic (or fix the lack of one!)[/quote]
Can you do a photo where you’re talking to yourself on the phone and the other guy is you as Superman? That would kick ass!
^^Oh no! We’re not going to take over this thread already with those pics
Haha, a mohawk would rock but not entirely accurate. I wouldn’t want to ruin all those nerd boys’ immersion.
[quote]fivefeetoffury wrote:
Haha, a mohawk would rock but not entirely accurate. I wouldn’t want to ruin all those nerd boys’ immersion. [/quote]
not even if you had the Mr T mohawk grenade from the commercials?
I’m gonna be the grumpy bastard who waits at home so the little fuckers can constantly ring my doorbell, then stand there like drones in drag awaiting a candy handout. Then when I run out of candy, I can expect my house to be egged late into the night.
I fucking HATE Halloween.
Birds of war!
This was my costume last year. I really wish I still had it, but I tossed it out when I was moving this year. Anyway, this is pretty funny. My girlfriend is Asian and into all those weird little animal character things. So I sent my mom a picture of one, along with a check for $150 and she made me this costume. No, there is nothing with that.
Here’s the funny part. We went to this party at a nightclub that was overrun with Asian girls, and they were all completely overwhelmed by my costume. My girl ended up getting pissed because all these other girls kept wanting a picture with the costume.
The shitty part is that I was so fucking hot in that costume that I smelled like a bag of assholes.
Sometimes there is nothing wrong with cosplay
As long as you are not a fat hairy guy in a sailor outfit.
No one wants to go as Pedobear?
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
No one wants to go as Pedobear?[/quote]
Haha! Epic.
I’m still trying to figure out what I want to be.
I went as Dr. Evil (when in jail like Tupac) and as Mr. Clean but I’m stuck looking for other ideas now.
I haven’t been able to think of a good idea yet when I am bald with a big dark beard… if only more people knew who Jim Wendler was…
Ethanwast: that costume is sweet. How could you just throw it out? Did you have any ‘furries’ hitting on you?
ID: you should pass out candy AS pedo bear. That would be hilarious.
Waldo: going as Charlie would be awesome. If you could find that shirt it would be hilarious. When people ask what your dressed up as you can say “A full on rapist”
Coolnatedawg: hmmmm bald with a beard… You could be Jeff bridges character from Iron Man but that’s kinda boring. Or get a $15 really long wig and go as one of the dudes from ZZ Top
PMPM: that’s a great costume! What did you wear it for earlier this year?
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
I’m gonna be the grumpy bastard who waits at home so the little fuckers can constantly ring my doorbell, then stand there like drones in drag awaiting a candy handout. Then when I run out of candy, I can expect my house to be egged late into the night.
I fucking HATE Halloween. [/quote]
X 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Damn ID are we just getting old? Fucking kids get off my lawn. In my old house I had those solar powered flower bed lights and one of those little fuckers just walked up and punted it like it was a football. My wife loves it but I fucking hate halloween. Sorry Greg go back to having fun. Fucking kids…grumbles and walks away…