We're Going To The Beach! 5/3/1 Beach!

About 91kgs. As fer deadlifts, I don’t know…I usually fail them by just not getting off the floor. I have comically short legs and arms.

Back at it. Monday on Tuesday Week 1 5.0. Surely the beach has to be around here somewhere?

Squats 5x130kg, 5x150kg, 5x170kg
OHPs 20x60kg, 18x70kg, 11x80kg, 6x90kg, 3x100kg // guy sharing the rack: “that’s really impressive…going heavy ovn standing overhead press”
Hang cleans. Decided to up the weight to 70kg. 1x20 and spectacular bar drop. 1x18. Total 38 but I’d rather push for strength here as the lift is lagging
Assistance for pulling: SGHPs. 7x70kg, 5x75, 5x80, 4x85, 1x90. Quite pleased that I was getting good ROM on these. Going to keep adding these in as I think it might up the deadlift and my traps actually pumped.
25kg bag curls: 2x50 total 100. Probably the SGHPs cost a bit here
Pull ups 3x10

Took class last night. Didn’t think I was all that but got a call out for turns. Turns!

Today should have been Wednesday on Friday.
deads: 5x120, 5x140, 3x160 and a miss
SGHPs: 5x70, 5x80, 4x90
DBRs: 30kg DB, 50 each side
Carter chest: 1x8 DB bench press 2x34, 1x15 2x30, 1x25 2x26

But I have to get to work and some guy is still tying up the rack. Will fetch the squats, presses, and pull ups tomorrow morning. Skipping class for the World Cup final on Sunday so probably hitting the gym in the morning

Emergency extra workout
Squats 25x130kg, 15x140, 10x150, 10x160, 6x170, 3x180kg
Pull ups 3x10 // these felt explosively great; doing them before I’m knackered is fun
OHPs 80kg, 4x10, 2x5 total 50
Guy sharing the rack: “will you be pressing about as much as I’m squatting?”
No. More like that plus 30kgs…

Friday on Sunday
Squats 30x130kg
Press 5x75, 5x90, 5x100 // oh yes
Hang cleans, 30x50, 20x60,10x70,4x80,2x80, 3x5 75kg
SGHPs 5x70, 4x80, 1x90, 1x90, 1x90, 1x90
DB bench press, 2x36kg x8, 2x30kg x15, 2x26kg x25 // real sense of how easily disaster could strike handling those 36kg DBs near my balls over to the bench. But I kind of love them; we recently got a new set of DBs up to 40kg and I want to do more with them just because it feels so strong.
ah fuck it, someone is fucking around so skipped pull ups

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Monday on Tuesday Week 2 5.0
Squats 3x5 120, 140, 160
OHPs 20x60, 20x70, 15x80, 8x90, 4x100
Hang cleans, 70kg, 1x28, 1x12 total 40
SGHPs 5x70, 5x80, 3x90
Bag curls, 25kg, 1x70, 1x55 total 125
Pull ups 3x10

Wednesday on Thursday Week 2 5.0
Squats 20x120, 25x130, 17x140, 15x150, 10x160, 6x170, 5x180
OHPs 80kg, 5x10
Decided to superset with the DB rows - one set of 10 each side between sets of presses. this made the presses feel easier but…
Deadlifts 5x120, 5x140, 2x150 and fail. fuck.
pull ups 3x10.

…and then I went to ballet class and we had to learn grand jété en tournant. faark

The day after:

pull ups 5x10
hang cleans, 20x60, 10x70, 4x80, 3x5 75
sghp 5x70, 5x80, 3x90 // both these lifts give me bruises on my thighs
DB bench press 2x34 x8, 2x30 x15, 2x28 x25
OHP 5x70, 5x85, 5x95
Squats 125kg x 30odd and then didn’t care enough

OK so we got to the beach! this log is going on holiday for a while. see you early in August. there will be some more lifting, a test week, and then a whole goddamn week of Forsythe choreography.

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Back from holidays. Comment from a woman I hadn’t seen for a year: “You’ve put on so much muscle!”

Squats 140, 160, 180kg 3x5
OHP 20x60, 10x70, 10x80, 10x90, 4x105kg
Pull ups 3x10 - these were really strong and explosive and seriously impressed the old Turkish guy on the cables, not sure if it’s gains or if I lost weight?
25kg core bag curls, total I think 110ish
Hang cleans, 70kg, 1x23, 1x12, 1x15, total 50
SGHP 70kg x10, 80kg x5, 90kg x4

kind of physically surprised to remember that I do this stuff like several times a week as well as holding down a job and throwing myself around Balanchine technique classes. wot really?

One of the best parts of getting gains haha

Wednesday on Tuesday HEAVYWEEK IRON BINGE!

DEADLIFT 5x120kg, 5x140kg, 5x150kg // trying to experiment with the form a bit here. Feel I cd do with some coaching
SGHP 5x80kg, 3x90kg, 1x100kg // PROGRESS KLAXON
SQUAT 20x130, 15x140, 13x150, 10x160, 10x170, 4x180kg, nearly tried a 190 but pussied out
OHP: 85kg, superset with 1x32kg DBRs
3x10, 1x6, 1x4, 2x5
1x10 DBRs each side between sets // bloody hell this is hard work but so goood.
total 50 reps OHP and 100 DBR

Friday on Thursday HEVI WEAK DUN

PULL UPS 5x10 just fine. now convinced I de-chubbied a bit.
CLEANS. 10x50, 10x60, 10x70, 4x80, 4x75 and FAIL, 1x75 and FAIL. I have been watching a bunch of videos and trying to improve technique and God help me I completely lost the groove.
OHP. 5x85kg, 5x95kg, 5x100kg.
SQUATS 30x140kg
CARTER CHESTOUT - DB BENCH PRESS: 2x36kg x8, 2x30kg x15, 2x28kg x25.

TEST…but not like that:-)

Let’s test big lifts.

Squats: 10x140, 5x150, 5x160, 5x170, 3x180, 2x190kg // 5kg PR and probably another rep in there.
OHP: 5x80, 5x90, 3x100, 1x110kg
Bench: 10x80, 5x90, miss 100 what?
Deadlift: 3x150, 1x160, fail at 170, 1x165kg. // 5kg PR. Trying to focus on getting tension and rowing the bar backwards - I think it’s helping.
Back to the bench: 3x100
Realise that despite two PRs in a workout I won’t have increased my total any
Back to the bench again: miss 110kg.
Pullups 2x10

The butcher’s bill:
1902.2 = 418 for squats
2.2 = 363 for deadlifts
100*2.2 = 220 for bench
total 1,001lb/455kg - if you swap in the OHP for bench it’s 1,023 but that’s wrong:-)

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a quick update. won’t be any lifting until next week - I’m on summer intensive week, pulling 6 hours a day in the studio. my favourite things so far:

  1. fellow dancer’s patent stretch routine. as in, lie flat on your back on the floor with your eyes tight shut and get a nap.
  2. teacher’s comment: you don’t always need to use the power that’s so readily available. sometimes, sixty or seventy per cent will do fine.
  3. other teacher’s comment: well, this is the second day but I think we’re ready to show.

today’s great achievement: falling on my ass.

PS - this log is now closed and the action has moved on here - https://t-nation.com/t/era-of-brutality-built-for-battle-speed-explosive-option-oh-and-ballet/

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