I’m not conciously thinking about econ- being hungry literally changes the way I think about things that have nothing to do with food (ie, I’ll usually get frustrated some high price, but when hungry, I’ll justify it as profit maximization)
Yes, another reason to be well fed during the pandemic
I personally find lack of punctuality or slow movement more annoying- not great when living with my little bro
Your hunger, appetite, and nutrition issues warrant a legitimate discussion, not off-topic jokes, dismissal, or downplaying. If you’re ready to address them, this is the appropriate place.
I’ve had times when stuck on a job site working deep into extra innings that I hadn’t eaten in 8 or 10 hrs. and hunger just had to be ignored in order to do what needed done, but as soon as opportunity presented itself I’d house a whole large pizza or steak w/ a side of steak or something similar.
But That’s just postponement in order to achieve a goal.
I’ve never gotten so hungry that I changed the brakes on my car.
Oh yeah. We have buffet style places dedicated to this. Or for large gatherings with multiple pizzas of different types of crusts and toppings you can mash 2 together sandwich style…