Currently on 100mg of tren(EOD), added 100mg of Masteron EOD, and testosterone cypionate 100mg once a week. I know many are going to despise the once a week test dosage, but thats always been my protocol since starting trt. Im gaining weight like crazy. Getting stronger, but scale going up, and worried im gaining fat. Should I drop the tren for now, and just keep the masteron? Should I lower the t dosage? Im really not worried about suppression, cause my pituitary is non-functioning. tWhich is the reason I was put on hormone replacement from the jump. Is it water weight? Will it eventually go lower? 2nd week in, and im wondering if you just gain weight in the beginning? Again, im going off the scale, clothes dont seem to feel tighter.
I don’t know.
How much and what are you eating?
What about before the cycle?
How long have you been on cycle?
How much weight are you gaining?
Almost 2 weeks. When I first started, I binged like crazy. Donuts cookies, pizza. My appetite was ferocious! Started at 232 and I’m 6ft and scale now showing 247.
Never ran tren but I doubt it would overcome a crazy binge of pizza, donuts and cookies lol
But if it does I might run it
Seriously, I haven’t ate pizza in 4 months, and donuts in well over 6 months. It’s like I just ate them and didn’t care. Appetite was insane last week.
If you’re gaining too much weight eat less. It’s not the drugs that’s causing the weight gain, it’s the diet. Now if the drugs are affecting you psychologically to the point where you don’t care what or how much you eat then maybe it’s time to stop them.
i will be straight on this -
water weight and fat gain can be easily monitored looking at your abs… the depth of the cuts between ab muscles, the vascularity in lower abs, etc.
but if your bodyfat is high enough that you cant see shit like that, then you have no need for tren, and especially no need for masteron…
cutting is not steroid induced, cutting is diet and cardio, but tren and masteron will give that last 10% of the look, by keeping your muscles fuller, you will be stronger and you will get more vascular, cut look.
Tren will not burn fat if you will not burn fat. And if you can just look at your abs and see if there is water weight added or not, then you are not at the level to use those drugs… i would like to see you pictures, but im already sure, you are either skinny fat or fat fat, and your problem is not weigh gain on tren, its not knowing how to diet and cardio and you just stockpiled shitton of drugs without any reason.
IMO if you are getting fat it is what you are eating not what you are shooting.
Best of luck to you.
If you’re using drugs like Tren and Masteron, the expectation is that you have your diet and training locked down. Why would you be eating cookies and donuts? These are drugs to improve your aesthetics, you’re wasting your time with a diet like that.