I have been reading here for weeks and there is a wealth of knowledge. I wish my Dr. knew half this stuff. Thank you everyone.
My question concerns Arimidex. Currently I am on .5 weekly for water retention and high E of 84.4. I want to go EOD with my T est of 50mg and drop my AI to .25 weekly. When would I take hte AI? What day? Does it matter or just take it the same day every week? I have also been just prescribed HCG for my aching testicles. Thanks in advance.
I don’t have an answer for you but curious what your current protocol is. You mentioned what you want to move to but no mention of what your currently doing besides the arimidex. Is your reasoning for moving EOD due to the elevated E? Are labs at trough?
Anastrozole has a half life of 2 days so by the end of the week it’s cleared out of your system no longer blocking estrogen, this gives estrogen a chance to rebound and in your case it most definitely did.
I’ve never been on HCG and had aching testicles for the first couple of months after starting TRT, it subsided and testicles still hang. Some men will not tolerate HCG well, that’s why I suggest guy start TRT only and get dialed in before adding a bunch of other variables.
I have been on TRT since April and my current protocol is 200mg once a week up until 3 weeks ago. I did that for the 1st 10 weeks and my E shot up. The Dr doubled Dim which really did nothing and then put me on .5 Arimidex once per week when I took my shot. Immediately my swelling went down and I looked normal again. From the beginning i was experiencing big swings and found this site a few weeks ago and decided to break up my dose and use smaller needles versus the dagger. I can already tell the difference, but it left me wondering what to do with this AI since I can’t break the pill down any smaller and was on such a small dose? The HCG is strictly for testicular shrinkage and ache. I haven’t received it yet but I have gone from swinging big balls to tight painful raisins. I broke down my 200mg per week to 50mg EOD.
That was before Arimidex. My co cern now is will I even need it breaking my 200mg to 50mg EOD along with HCG. Random thought-is there that much differs between EOD and m/w/f?
50mg EOD only works for a hyper metabolizer and or hyper excreter. Any other man and you’ll have insanely high levels.
My SHBG is 16-18 and even twice weekly I felt swings, even larger swings once weekly. I’m on an everyday protocol now, 10mg everyday to help control estrogen until I’m able to lose weight.
Anastrozole is poison to me, even 1/4th of a .125mg is enough to knock estrogen into the low teens.
If SHBG is lower than 20, EOD is best, it’s going to maintain steadier levels and prevent swings. Injecting EOD was fine and gave steady levels, just couldn’t control estrogen. Typically smaller injections, lower steadier estrogen levels which can make or break the good feeling that TRT gives you.
Your liver is another big factor in removing excess estrogen from the body.
when you say start w trt only and get dialed in what exactly does that mean? for example just stick to the test and get the dosage and dosing sched down and leave out the other stuff (adex, hcg etc). then just monitor and tweat and then add the other stuff as necessary? just wondering. thanks.
You know something, I was trying to figure out my SHBG and I don’t think it is on the test. I am going to ask them to include it on my next test. So you prefer daily? I read that is the closest to replicating what naturally happens in your body. I wish I could capture the way I felt about 6-8 weeks in. Like I was 20 years younger. I couldn’t keep my hands off of my wife and I felt good. Maybe dropping the AI and going to 10-14mg daily is the way to go. My original T numbers were 184 so I think they just put me on 200mg from the start. I read that the best is 100mg a week so maybe less is more in a daily format.