We Want Anaconda

History shows that not all plans come to fruition, so it’s entirely possible that Anaconda–about which TC was so excited well over a year ago–will not reach the stage where they are satisfied with it, and therefore will not be released.

And who knows what the problem is? They could have a substance or a collection of substances that deliver measurable results for LBM gain, but only if taken in a precise ratio. Getting the right ratio in a single capsule might be the problem, due to the randomness of mixing and the complexity of the gel process (if that’s the way they are going with it).

Now, cf. Bill’s comment:

[quote]Met-Rx was originally a 2-component product rather than being a single component, but this wasn’t very feasible commercially and so it was modified to be single-component.

It wasn’t as good,[/quote]
Maybe Anaconda is in the same stage? I’m sure an easy “fix” would be releasing it as 2 or even 3 separate components, and then giving instructions to take 1 of capsule A, 2 each of capsules B and C. Imagine that this would give you the precise ratio of non-banned substances that could lead to the “MAG-10 like” results about which we’ve been told? Wouldn’t that be worth it?

Except for at least two problems that I can surmise (and I’m no expert; I just read and think):

  1. No way would Biotest consider this an “elegant” solution. Also, there’s far too much potential for someone to purchase the substances separately for reasons of finances and stupidity, then claim “Biotest’s Anaconda Sux” in every forum in which they troll.

  2. The manufacturing costs involved in producing separate packaging and separate encapsulating would drive up the price to consumers and put it out of reach of more people.

Just thinking out loud here. I am willing to believe that they’ve got something great in mind that will work as they believe, but putting it in a form that optimizes its effectiveness, is easy for consumers to take, and is at a price point that encourages us to purchase it–these could be holding up the release AND causing a lot of forehead-shaped dents in walls at Biotest Labs.

I’m willing to wait a little longer, if it means they can get it “right.”

(Wishing Microsoft used the same modus operandi.)