Waterbury Thursday

Hi NateN,
What you’ve got comes from Pavel, right? That was focused on strength. Chad’s will differ in purpose and as such will concentrate on finding the lowest per session volume to stimulte growth. All the variables must work in concert for this effect. The example you gave is on the right track, but still doesn’t account for necessary volume or variability. That will be the trick. Finding just what is necessary to get the job done and NO more. One set of 5 would not fit the bill for hypertrophy for sure.


[quote]NateN wrote:
I’ve read recently that, while high frequency of training is possible, it’s not optimal for hypertrophy.

Like 5x5 every five days will get you bigger than 1x5 every day.

I know that isn’t a perfect example since your high-frequency program will most likely involve very different rep ranges.

Nonetheless, spreading out your workload as much as possible has been something I’ve read to be more linked to strength gains rather than hypertrophy.

Wazzup with that?[/quote]