I’m a 35 year old male & had been feeling like garbage for the last 3 years. Recently went to the Doc & he discovered that I was suffering from Low T. My Total T level was at 202 & he informed me that a normal range for my age should be around 300-500. Started injections of 200mg of cyp every 2 weeks. I’m 3 shots in & feeling much better!
The only complaint that I have is the water retention that I’m experiencing. I’m fairly new to this treatment & don’t know much about it to be truthful. What would cause this & what are my options to eliminate water retention & bloated feeling. Any help would be appreciated!
Sounds to me like you might be in need of some AI to block E2. However blood work would confirm that. How much water are you retaining?
I’m not TRT expert or even intermediate but 200 every other week doesn’t seem like the best approach. Perhaps reading some of the stickies above can help you discuss with your doctor.
corstijeir, I’m currently retaining around 5 lbs of water if I had to take a guess. Mostly in the morning is when I feel it , ( face looks a little puffy. Although, I’m about 20 lbs Overweight and this could be a factor too. I just started going back to the gym after about a two-year layoff and started to work on my diet. iw84aces, no my prolactin was not tested, this kind of concerns me after reading & trying to educate myself through the Forums that you guys suggested. My doctor just basically did the blood work because I told him how was feeling and based on the fact that my t levels were around 202, he just suggested that we start TRT, but never said anything about combining it with HCGs & Arimedex. I’m going to Have my doc check all the additional levels that he didn’t check the first time.
I don’t want to him to feel like I’m undermining him, but it’s my body and If I’m going to go through with this, I want to make sure that I’m doing it the best way possible. Thanks for all your help, I will post my results when I get the additional blood work done.
[quote]vinunez77 wrote:
I’m a 35 year old male & had been feeling like garbage for the last 3 years. Recently went to the Doc & he discovered that I was suffering from Low T. My Total T level was at 202 & he informed me that a normal range for my age should be around 300-500. Started injections of 200mg of cyp every 2 weeks. I’m 3 shots in & feeling much better!
The only complaint that I have is the water retention that I’m experiencing. I’m fairly new to this treatment & don’t know much about it to be truthful. What would cause this & what are my options to eliminate water retention & bloated feeling. Any help would be appreciated![/quote]
Many report feeling much better once starting TRT, only to decline shortly after. Estradiol will become elevated via aromatase enzyme, which occurs with the rise of T levels. You’ll need an effective aromatase inhibitor to control that or you’ll start to feel bad again.
Not trying to be the bearer of bad news. I’m only trying to prepare you for the inevitable decline of the way you feel.
And you need to take control of your own health care. 300-500 for your age group is NOT correct, and 200mg every two weeks is a terrible protocol.
Since you’ve already started TRT, you’ll need hCG or your testicles will go away.
Evaluate your overall thyroid function by checking oral body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky. Thyroid hormone fT3 is what gets the job done and it regulates mitochondrial activity, the source of ATP which is the universal currency of cellular energy. This is part of the body’s temperature control loop. This can get messed up if you are iodine deficient. In many countries, you need to be using iodized salt. Other countries add iodine to dairy or bread.
KSman is simply a regular member on this site. Nothing more other than highly active.
I can be a bit abrupt in my replies and recommendations. I have a lot of ground to cover as this forum has become much more active in the last two years. I can’t follow threads that go deep over time. You need to respond to all of my points and requests as soon as possible before you fall off of my radar. The worse problems are guys who ignore issues re thyroid, body temperatures, history of iodized salt. Please do not piss people off saying that lab results are normal, we need lab number and ranges.
The value that you get out of this process and forum depends on your effort and performance. The bulk of your learning is reading/studying the suggested stickies.