Watched Bigger, Stronger, Faster

I watched a great flick last night about steroids. It gives a great outlook with valid arguments and facts about steroids and steroid use. Check it out if you guys can, its a documentary.

Im not advertising it either, I just thought it was pretty interesting.

Everyone seems to think highly of it. I don’t know why, but I’m glad I downloaded it rather than buying/renting it.

I went to see this in the theater and while it was indeed very informative, I found it quite difficult to sit through the entire movie. It kind of seemed to just drag on and on…

Overall it was a great presentation and is a huge step in the right direction, dispelling many of the myths and media propaganda about steroid use.

EDIT: Just asked what the name of the movie was until I realized it was Bigger, Stronger, Faster…

OK…OK… I’m a shmuck… :wink:

I was pleasantly surprised by it, from Snake’s review I was unsure…I think it was Snake who gave a review…Anyway I thought it gave a pretty honest and accurate presentation on the subject.

If someone wanted to be entertained solely by the AAS section and they have some knowledge already… probably isn’t happening. There are portions like the interview with the congressman(Wexlar who conducted baseball hearings) and Taylor Hooten’s dad that are intriguing.

What I thought was the best part far and away from the movie was the story of his family and in particular his brothers. The older brother in particular as I’m pretty familiar with Mark/Smelly from his EFS log.

Good movie, especially for a first time film maker as far as I know. It would be even better for those who has spouses/friends who don’t understand AAS to watch to get a basic understanding of what actually is involved with AAS and who does it/what are the benefits and repercussions.

I honestly can’t believe what I’m seeing. Wait yes I can… I forgot there are youngsters on here that can’t sit through a informative documentary about a life changing issue… bet yall even missed those boring ass pointless debates too huh… or maybe your dad had it on in the other room while you were coloring between the lines with your fatass retard crayola’s…

Reminds me of the pencil neck geeks that review workout DVDs and bitch how it boring and had to watch it over several sitting … go write a fuckign review about snow white or somethign…

Anyway terrific documentary! Non-biased vies. I’ve met chris bell - he is a very humble guy, hard to not like. It was loaded with big names/places in the industry (and the extras) - so it made it very interesting.

The critics LOVED it, rotten tomatoes (for those non movie goers, it takes reviews from every big newspaper/magazine/etc. and combines the scores) gave it a 97%

To say this was a bad film… it’s just spitting in the face of Bell for making this film that he knew the mainstream wouldn’t love - he wouldn’t make much money off of - and finally making a film not totally NEGATIVE towards steroids use like every other media source is. This GUY IS PUTING OUT THE TRUTH.

I don’t mean to say “don’t give honest review”

but if your going to say this movie is boring slow… blahblah

at least throw in the one thing you liked or what Bell has done… this documentary/movie is unlike any other - can’t argue that

[quote]retailboy wrote:
I honestly can’t believe what I’m seeing. Wait yes I can… I forgot there are youngsters on here that can’t sit through a informative documentary about a life changing issue… bet yall even missed those boring ass pointless debates too huh… or maybe your dad had it on in the other room while you were coloring between the lines with your fatass retard crayola’s…

Reminds me of the pencil neck geeks that review workout DVDs and bitch how it boring and had to watch it over several sitting … go write a fuckign review about snow white or somethign…

What? You referring to me? Where did I ever slam the film? Because I was glad I didn’t wait for it to hit the shelves? If I had waited, then maybe I would have a different opinion based on how much hype there was for it. I see it as a film; neither good nor bad.

For someone that knows absolutely nothing about steroids it would be a great movie. But there was nothing shockingly groundbreaking that I haven’t already heard/read.

Only a very small portion of my comment was towards you, for pirating the film:

Everyone seems to think highly of it. I don’t know why, but I’m glad I downloaded it rather than buying/renting it.


But there was nothing shockingly groundbreaking that I haven’t already heard/read.


Duh, of course the mothers reaction, the meeting with the politicians, bush link to steroids thorugh baseball, the family’s personal story, all the freaking interviews of all those bodybuilders being open… were all in the news and written about before the movie came out good call buddy sorry it wasted your time… DID YOU EVEN WATCH IT!!! I mean Christian Boeving lost his freaking job because of what he said, he was the company’s number one model.

“nothing shockingly groundbreaking that I haven’t already heard/read.”

Someone back me up on this!.. either this kid was the camera man for Bell or he isn’t humble enough to say he didn’t read everything the movie talked about.

And also… so this guy BEll spends three years working on this movie, and FOR ONCE someone makes a film and stays true to it’s core values, it’s industry-- not try to appeal to the main public and leave it’s purpose and truth behind. So you go out download it and don’t buy the DVD, Bell loses money… so he will never make another film on steroids nor anyone else because it will be a failure, and you won’t have any chance to hear/watch your fucking ‘ground breaking’ crap.

Exactly. I saw it theaters, and while I was sure there was nothing that was going to be “groundbreaking” from my point of view, I wanted to support a movie that wasn’t just about the horror stories of “teh roids.” I don’t share the same opinion that you have to like it or else, me and my girlfriend both liked it, but she and I (moreso her) thought it was slightly drawn out.

But whether you think you’ll like it or not, how the fuck is someone so poor that they give a shit about the couple bucks it would cost to rent the movie and actually support something that’s not biased against AAS? Maybe the time spent on forums would be better spent looking for a second job…

Blacksnake has done a review of it. I don’t know if he wants to post it or not/

Retailboy, I agree 100%. I thought the movie was fascinating. I purchased the film as soon as it came out on DVD. If you are even remotely passionate about supplements, steroids, bodybuilding, or power lifting you will enjoy this movie. Having your spouse/significant other watch this with you will make it all the more worthwhile.

About time someone made a documentary that did not make the same argument, “steroids are bad”, and challenged viewers to think and come to their own conclusions.

By the way, I haven’t been to Gold’s in Venice for years. I am extremely passionate about training, hold a normal job, have a family, and have never competed professionally. I visited Golds a couple of times when I was in Venice for work and loved training there. I was very disappointed to see the posters of Arnold come down. At the same point, I loved the filmmakers father’s explanation of Arnold and the fallibility of man.

Anyways, great film, great subject, and a great piece of work.

[quote]eigieinhamr wrote:
Blacksnake has done a review of it. I don’t know if he wants to post it or not/[/quote]

Page 24 at the “War on Testosterone:dispatches from the Frontlines” thread. I supported the film by seeing it first run in the theater, and I stand by my review. I’m looking forward to the DVD mainly for the special features/deleted scenes and use as stocking stuffers for christmas…

Great movie, I really like the part where he makes supplements. Chris Bell is a smart dude, and I hopes he makes more movies in the future.