Wanted to learn as much as i can

Hello everyone, my name is Marko, coming from Serbia…
By the way im 18.

I will be clear so we can understand better each other.

I study economy but to be honest that is not something what i expected and not my passion.
And i started to think “what will be something that i will do for the rest of my life”

And that is whole Health & Fitness industry. But at the beggining i want to focus on Diet and Nutrition niche, i dont want to be classic nutricionist i want to serve food that will really help people with their problems and goals.

Im not a big fan to learn all that from classic school system so if everyone here knows something where to start and learn so stuff, it will mean the world for me.

Btw im all new in this platform so hope you understand me.

I started learning something on PubMed…

Wish u all the best,

Hi Marko,

A good starting point would be higher education in order to become a dietitian. From there you have the credentials to focus more on sports nutrition, thus being able to make a living out of it. In my opinion, it’s so much easier to get people to listen if you can prove your ground. Otherwise you may end up sounding like a politician, having unfounded thoughts about everything. In the nutrition (supplement) business it seems very much like that (one sided). Imagine what you could do, applying proper research, as a selling argument? Wise people are critical and can’t easily be fooled.

Best of luck!


Do se have FREE education todas about stuff that im interest.

Im not talking about YouTube home, im talking about something more credentials.

Marko, wish u all the best

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