Want to Begin Personal Training

[quote]Blackened wrote:
our Uni gym is teeming with PT opportunities.

I want to get a PT license

I also need to have previous PT experience somewhere else.[/quote]
Just as a heads up, and something to keep in mind when speaking with potential employers, technically-speaking, PT is generally understood to be short for physical therapy.

With that said, Tim Henriques’ article gave a pretty good look at some of the more notable organizations, but I was kinda bummed he didn’t discuss the ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association).

I was first certified through them many moons ago and I’m pretty sure they’re still a fairly solid organization. It was co-founded by powerlifting legend Fred “Dr. Squat” Hatfield, and Charles Staley was, at one point, involved in curriculum design.

You should also definitely check out Cosgrove’s two-part article about being a fitness professional:

I’d also none-too-humbly suggest that you take some time to read through this multi-year/multi-page thread where a bunch of the trainer/members here talked about the day to day issues of the trainer’s life: