[quote]ZeusNathan wrote:
snipeout wrote:
ZeusNathan wrote:
The Bambino wrote:
ZeusNathan wrote:
ive never been into politics until this year,
Oh and this explains everything.
so anyways, i was looking for a reply that defended mccain somewhat in this election. I honestly don’t see anything good about making mccain our next president.
my sources for politics r olberman, some shows on cnn, and the debates. yea, not so solid.
but from what i know…
i think palin is a fuckin clutz. i also think mccain is a clutz who doesnt know what he wants and will say anything to avoid uneasy questions and do whatever he wants. ive seen their interviews and neither of them answer the questions, nor do they speak honestly.
someone mentioned that i shouldnt vote if i dont know enough… but who does man. i just feel like mccain is gonna be another george w bush. just a lil better, maybe.
Your sources explain everything. How old are you? Do you work for a living? If so, what do you do for a living? Where in NJ do you live?
You think Palin is a clutz, yet Biden is not? Have you done any actual research, or do you just let Lindsay Lohan and Matt Damon influence your choice.
sorry, i dont personally know the candidates, nor do i have any connections with anyone that they know, so… yea, i get my info from the tv and the paper
so apparently, no one can justify mccain’s position in running for office… so instead his followers conjure up some other shit to change the topic. sounds really fuckin familiar. 
i still want ron paul in office.
Ron paul is the exact opposite of Obama. As much as they may disagree Paul and mccain are far more similar. Ask any republican here why mccain’s policies are better then obama’s. It’s so obvious a simple google search could do it.
start reading, padawon.