Voter Fraud Investigation

Bet you won’t see this on the front page of many media sites:
ACORN Vegas Office Raided in Voter Fraud Investigation
ACORN’s Las Vegas headquarters has been raided by Nevada authorities looking for evidence of voter fraud.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

An investigator enters the ACORN office in Las Vegas Tuesday, as part of a voter fraud raid. (AP Photo)

Nevada state authorities seized records and computers Tuesday from the Las Vegas office of an organization that tries to get low-income people registered to vote, after fielding complaints of voter fraud.

Bob Walsh, spokesman for the Nevada secretary of state’s office, told the raid was prompted by ongoing complaints about “erroneous” registration information being submitted by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, also called ACORN. The group was submitting the information through a voter sign-up drive known as Project Vote.

“Some of them used non-existent names, some of them used false addresses and some of them were duplicates of previously filed applications,” Walsh said, describing the complaints, which largely came from the registrar in Clark County, Nev. He said some registrations used the names of Dallas Cowboys football players.

Walsh said agents from both the secretary of state’s office and Nevada attorney general’s office conducted the raid, and “took a bunch of stuff.”

ACORN spokesman Charles Jackson confirmed the group’s Nevada office was raided.

It’s not the first time ACORN’s been under investigation for irregularities in registration records.

In 2006, ACORN committed what the Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed called the “worse case of election fraud” in the state’s history.

In the case, ACORN submitted just over 1,800 new voter registration forms, but there was a problem. The names were made up – all but six of the 1,800 submissions were fakes.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.[/i]

I wonder who they are multiplying these votes for…hmmmm, can’t seem to figure it out.

I find it very hard to stomach that this can happen. I really don’t give a shit who is doing it and I blame those that run elections more than ACORN or any other group the may be doing this.

If we can’t protect our elections from fraud, what can we protect? This should be priority number one for states.

I do think this is a crisis in the making - whoever loses will cry foul; and will no doubt find some sort of irregularity to complain about. And if it’s a close race, it will turn very ugly.

As dhickey says, this is outrageous - it’s the freaking foundation of our democracy for heaven’s sake.

Pat, do you have a link??

Oooo, oooo, oooo, two stories in one day!!!

I’ll see if I can scare up the other link, but that is the whole article. Wouldn’t it be sweet if there where some tiny connection to the Obama campaign?

[quote]pat wrote:
Oooo, oooo, oooo, two stories in one day!!!

I’ll see if I can scare up the other link, but that is the whole article. Wouldn’t it be sweet if there where some tiny connection to the Obama campaign?[/quote]

That’s called hoping for real change.

Where were you when there was voter fraud, caging, and other voting shenanigans perpetrated by REPUBLICANS in '04 elections?

Look it up. TONS of stuff.

Hey more info…

[quote]pat wrote:
Oooo, oooo, oooo, two stories in one day!!!

I’ll see if I can scare up the other link, but that is the whole article. Wouldn’t it be sweet if there where some tiny connection to the Obama campaign?[/quote]

Do you think if there was a connection it would make a difference? It certainly didn’t make a difference for Bush and there was a lot more than some tiny connection.

[quote]GCF wrote:
pat wrote:
Oooo, oooo, oooo, two stories in one day!!!

I’ll see if I can scare up the other link, but that is the whole article. Wouldn’t it be sweet if there where some tiny connection to the Obama campaign?

Do you think if there was a connection it would make a difference? It certainly didn’t make a difference for Bush and there was a lot more than some tiny connection.

What was Bush’s connection to registering homeless people to vote multiple times?

This is exactly why the Republicans want IDs required at registration.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
GCF wrote:
pat wrote:
Oooo, oooo, oooo, two stories in one day!!!

I’ll see if I can scare up the other link, but that is the whole article. Wouldn’t it be sweet if there where some tiny connection to the Obama campaign?

Do you think if there was a connection it would make a difference? It certainly didn’t make a difference for Bush and there was a lot more than some tiny connection.

What was Bush’s connection to registering homeless people to vote multiple times?[/quote]

Controversies surrounding alledged electoral fraud perpetrated by Bush staffers are pretty well documented RJ. And he still got two terms.

Considering the fanaticism of many Obama supporters I doubt if there were video evidence of him supping blood from a dead unicorn there would be too much backlash.

Election fraud should not be tolerated regardless of who does it, but the difference here is that this ACORN outfit has a long history of this and Obama was very closely associated with them in Chicago.

They are an avowed socialist organization hell bent on forcing society to “share” with whom they see fit and had a major hand in the sub prime mortgage movement that got started in Chicago. They are also the outfit that the Dems tried to slip 50 million to in the original bailout bill that lost in the house.

[quote]GCF wrote:
Controversies surrounding alledged electoral fraud perpetrated by Bush staffers are pretty well documented RJ. And he still got two terms.[/quote]

No, they aren’t well documented at all. It is fanatical ABBer’s looking for anything they could to disallow votes. Hell, they went from paper ballots to machines in FL because of all the bitching by the left. Then the same lefties were whining 4 years later because they were using machines.

Don’t believe everything the kos tells you.

There are really truly voting registration irregularities this election cycle. From ACORN to the bullshit in Ohio - the right to vote is being bastardized by agencies that are already in some deep legal shit.

Whether you want to blame the right or the left - the problems are more substantial this time around.

But - why in the hell would the republicans be registering homeless people? That would be Opie’s home crowd.

Voter fraud and intimidation should be a serious issue for everyone.

Be it from falsely registering voters, to using voting machines that can be hacked with a usb card, if our election process can be easily tampered with, it seriously undermines everyone involved in the election process and Democracy as a whole.

[quote]katzenjammer wrote:
That’s called hoping for real change. [/quote]

Yes! I was hoping someone would give me an excuse for this pic. I’m proud of myself.

[quote]Ren wrote:
Voter fraud and intimidation should be a serious issue for everyone.

Be it from falsely registering voters, to using voting machines that can be hacked with a usb card, if our election process can be easily tampered with, it seriously undermines everyone involved in the election process and Democracy as a whole.[/quote]

It’s not as if this is a new thing.

Do you have any idea how many dead people in South Texas voted for LBJ when he was a Senator?

Do you have any clue at all how many people voted numerous times in LA for Huey P. Long?

Did you ever read about Tammany Hall?

Or the even more recent, and sadly pertinent Daley Machine in Chicago?

This shit is as old as the right to vote.

Doesn’t make voter fraud right, but there are some horribly myopic people on this forum who have no fucking clue.