[quote]pushharder wrote:
Charlemagne wrote:
pushharder wrote:
Charlemagne wrote:
…It is also high time we pull our troops from everywhere we have them stationed except in the continental United States. Let the world sort out it’s own problems. No more aid to other countries either, until we get our own house in order. No more starting wars in the interest of “Freedom” and “Security”…
…It is high time Americans take responsibility for themselves and America returns to its rightful place on the world stage. Let’s go back to the values encompassed by our founding fathers.
Thing is our founding fathers went to war against the Barbary Coast in the 1790s and England in 1812 precisely because of “freedom” and “security”.
I agree with much of your post but it is not as simple as ABC.
Ok, except that the thing with the War of 1812 is that the British actually invaded America and marched on Washington.
No, the British invasion did not start the war. I have lectured you before about knowing your history before swaggering on to this forum.
And in the case of the Barbary Pirates, they were actually boarding our ships, destroying them and upsetting our commerce.
Exactly. You just made my point.
And it happened in foreign waters. The point is America’s interests and subsequently its need to extend force cannot always be limited to its own shores. Impossible.
Like I said, it’s not always as easy as ABC.
Like I said, stay out of other countries affairs, in the long and short run it will pay much better dividends for America.
When other countries stay out of ours it makes it much easier to live by that axiom.
Like I said, it’s not always as easy as ABC. If you think it is, you should run for office. You might even make it all the way to the top and be the first President ever named Charlemagne.
Disclaimer: this post is in no way to be considered advocacy for the idea that America should be the world’s policeman.
Um, the reason we went to war in 1812 was similiar to the Barbary Coast excursions as well…the British were upsetting our trade and commerce and forcing our citizens to serve in their navy. That would be a valid reason for war.
Both of your examples were clear and present dangers to the sovereignty of the United States. In my opinion, the war in Iraq did not represent this. And it scares the shit out of me that we are talking about invading Iran. Why? With what money? For what purpose? And more importantly with whose blood?
Who is this benefiting anyway? Could it be that maybe some powerful lobby is pulling our foreign policy strings?
I am trying to make the point that we must NOT declare war unless absolutely necessary. Enough is enough. We are bankrupting ourselves. Let’s get our own house in order before we tell others how to run their own.