Hello guys, I am new here and am desperately seeking advice.
For about the past two months, i have simply felt like i am in a funk. I have been depressed, depersonalized, anxious, low, tired, weak, etc. It finally got to the point where it was hard for me to wake up in the morning. I literally spent all day obsessing over negative thoughts and how i felt.
I decided to go to the doctor and he wanted to start by having me get my blood drawn to see if anything stood out in particular. My blood work came back and we found that I had hypothyroidism. I was put on medication. However, for the past month i felt no better, and my symptoms were the same if not worse.
I told my doctor that i wanted to also have my testosterone checked in my next blood test. He agreed, and last week i went to get my blood drawn.
The results came back yesterday and i found out that my Thyroid is back in range which is good news
Free T4 .86
TSH - 3.81
But that my testosterone was very very low
Sex hormone binding Globulin 19.5 nmol/L
Testosterone, total 176 ng/dL
Free testosterone 42.5 pg/mL
Testosterone, % Free 2.4
My doctor told me that the only thing that matters is testosterone % free, and that since technically i am “in range” in that category that i am fine.I however think that is BS. Everything that i have been reading says that for my age my testosterone total should be at least around the 500 range, and that my testosterone level would be considered low for even an old man.
I guess the reason that i am posting this is that i need advice on where to go from here. If anyone read all of this and has any opinion at all it would be greatly appreciated. I know i am new but please if you can help it would really go a long way. I feel hopeless.