Hey guys,
Been through so many threads on here over the last few weeks and wanted to post about my situation, what I am doing and really just looking for any input people have on my situation.
Over the last few years I’ve felt like absolute shit honestly. I have always prided myself on being mentally tough, dealing with stuff and just getting through hard situations on my own. While in some aspects in my life that has been great, in this situation it has dragged on this issue for far longer than it should have been.
About a month ago it got to the point I just been unable to deal with the emotions, fatigue, libido issues and decided to go and get a blood test. I got my blood tests through Private MD Labs and was able to go to LabCorp for the tests the next day. I have attached those blood tests here.
Below is a quick summary.
Type: value (ref range)
Testoserone, Serum: 45 (264-916 ng/dL)
Tesosterone, Free: 1.10 (5.00-21.00 ng/dL)
Estradiol, Sensitive: 3.2 (8.0-35.0 pg/mL)
Insulin-Like Growth Factor I: 217 (115-355 ng/mL)
Prostate Specific Ag, Serum: 0.2 (0.0-4.0 ng/mL)
I then went to my doctor after freaking out about how low my levels were…
He couldnt really believe it and ordered more blood work for me. About 2 weeks after the first I got more work shown below.
Testosterone, Serum: 143 (264-916 ng/dL)
Free Testosterone, Direct: 4.0 (9.3-26.5 pg/mL)
LH: 1.9 (1.7-8.6 mIU/mL)
FSH: 4.1 (1.5-12.4 mIU/mL)
My doctor now has asked to get a couple more bloods done today, to check test again and mainly to check prolactin levels, then get an MRI of my pituitary, and then take this information to an endo to get their opinion.
He mentioned that it would be easy to solve the problem and sounded like he had no problem perscribing me testosterone, but whats to check other issues to ensure there is not something we can fix which will resolve this issue.
Really just any input from anyone and any advice from anyone would be greatly appreciated.
More about me:
I am 25 y/o male, former D1 athelete, love to workout (lift and cardio daily) and I am in decent shape. I am 5’11" and weigh about 200lbs. BF probably in the 12-15% range. Arms are always very lean and majority of fat is held in the mid section.
I am sure I have forgotten some information that people will need to be able to comment on my situation so I apologize in advance.
Thanks for everyones time.